Soon after the marriage, Hyde-Lees realised she had a particular talent for channelling ghosts.
Many are no more than treasury departments for large companies, for channelling money offshore.
Or will the financial system get better at channelling investment funds to growing firms?
The Bank of England scheme is channelling cheap money to borrowers, to stimulate the economy.
Conceivable, too, that livedoor was channelling funds to politicians, in which case the story will grow.
This creates a jet of hot air which passes over an airfoil-shaped ramp channelling its direction.
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They are formed by giant magnetic fields channelling the super-hot gas into certain directions.
The United States is now channelling aid through Mrs Plavsic's office, giving her access to funds.
His tirades are also channelling white working-class anger in a way the carefully rehearsed Mr Romney never could.
Bankers became immensely rich, although they had only a minor role in channelling direct investments into manufacturing businesses.
Instead of thinking about arming the opposition, the EU, like everyone else, should be channelling its efforts in a different direction.
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Channelling Grace Kelly, she inhabits the stage like a beam of light, rendering everyone else as hapless and transfixed as moths.
They also play a critical role in channelling savings into productive investments.
Can the biggest private foundation in the world, now channelling Mr Buffett's fortune as well as Mr Gates's, really be so impotent?
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Banks compete in similar lines of business, lending against commercial or residential property or (in the late 1970s) channelling money to developing nations.
Eschewing modern medicines, a true sangoma heals patients through a mix of traditional medicines (Muti), dream interpretation, bone throwing, channelling and possession.
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But in the end he conjured up a reality of his own, channelling the magic of computing into products that reshaped entire industries.
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And then, we should be able to agree on a comprehensive global governance structure to smoothly allow the channelling of this financial and technological support.
As well as receiving funding from various research councils, there could be a strong case for channelling assets seized from drug-related crime, the UKDPC suggested.
They may well be closing down some of those sources - choking off possibly even charitable foundations who might be channelling money to organisations such as his.
Ministers in the Habibie government are talking of giving provincial governments greater control over spending in their regions, rather than channelling it all through departments in Jakarta.
The Treasury also hopes that by channelling more money into what's known as capital spending as opposed to current spending, this can create a more favourable economic environment.
Meanwhile, the Egyptian government has concentrated its development spending in the big cities and on desert-reclamation schemes, while channelling private investment into industry and property in the north.
By collecting these payments through the tax system, and channelling them to private funds chosen by employees, the state will cut the cost of saving and increase its value.
He himself is unsure whether to be Jack Lemmon or John Cleese, but the sublime Michelle Williams holds the screen magnetically with her dewy-eyed channelling of the young Shirley MacLaine.
By channelling money from those who have it spare, to those who can put it to good use, Wall Street and the City help drive the investment that underpins economic growth.
And with these credit channels now blocked up, investment-banking activities such as helping companies to issue debt and equity are a crucial way of channelling savings to businesses with good ideas.
Marsh, he says, solicited false quotes from insurers in order to pretend that the bid process had been competitive, while simply channelling business to insurers that promised it the biggest commissions.
The Bank of England is channelling cheap money to banks to get mortgage interest rates reduced and the chancellor has promised special guarantees to bring homes within the financial reach of more buyers.
Still unanswered are questions about why the former Tory treasurer seemed at least willing to discuss channelling foreign cash to the Tories, even though the law allows donations only from UK-registered citizens or companies.