Cyprus was the focus of such financial uncertainty this month as it chaotically negotiated a bailout.
To let Greece default - chaotically or otherwise - but use taxpayers' money to bailout the affected north-European banks.
The real problem, quite simply, is that now digital technology is utterly transforming the media industries, quickly and chaotically.
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The local Labour party was chaotically divided even before the recent resignation of its leader in the Scottish Parliament.
One prediction from models of a chaotically beating heart is the break-up of regular electrical impulses into spirals, causing uneven contractions.
You can argue whether Britannica should exist at all, considering that knowledge is productively (often chaotically) crowd-sourced on Wikipedia and its kin.
By making her positrons behave chaotically, Dr Ghaffari has inadvertently created a simple system in which chaos may be more easily studied.
One way is to plunge viewers, noisily and chaotically, into the action.
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The biggest new feature in the chaotically volcanic landscape of mobile handsets is of course the smartphone, with Android and iOS now defining the experience for hundreds of millions of users around the world.
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For sure, experiencing badly installed video art can be all too like involuntary detainment in a hospital ward or an airport lounge, as sound and image from different sources bleed chaotically into one another.
But they are struggling with a rigid new management template, the legacy of a chaotically-designed site and community hostility, their own inexperience, and demands to generate clicks and revenue that may prove impossible to meet.
Strangely, in his study of spectators standing in front of a vast, whorling abstract painting by Jackson Pollock, it is the painting, brought sharply into focus, which appears classically still, and those quietly viewing who seem chaotically undefined.
He ran for the California assembly and scored an upset victory, and then successfully led the charge to overhaul that state's chaotically corrupt regulation of the liquor industry, to reform its inefficient, labyrinthine water system and to save San Francisco's Palace of Fine Arts.