Rome, like most cities, is a collection of districts, all with their particular character.
And Buffy spin-off character Angel, the vampire with a soul, was rated ninth in the league.
EastEnders' executive producer Diederick Santer said he would be playing an "interesting, but possibly irritating character".
In "Nineteen Eighty-Four, " Orwell creates a character named Syme who I find eerily similar to Luntz.
Jack Welch wasn t the first tough character that Kushal Pal Singh ran into.
The first iconic video game character was also the highest-earning arcade game in history.
The character is later confronted by a homeowner, channeling powerless rage so many Louisianans know.
And we've worked really hard with her, and this is a totally out-of-character behavior.
The Louvre gets its particular character because it evolved into a museum rather than being designed as one.
No, the character, played by the brilliant Benedict Cumberbatch, is an oasis of calm.
By competing with one another, they create and build vehicles with different attributes and character.
We've got incredible character and we're determined to fight for every single point there is left.
That's the character that will carry us through this storm to better days ahead.
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It's worth underlining the revolutionary character of this vision in Spain in the 1930s and 1940s.
We will be getting more insight into her character as she takes on more official duties.
His first tweet, a simple five-word, twenty-three character burst came at 12:20 PM EST.
If McCain ran against Clinton, the temptation would be to go after her character.
The Great Gatsby is that rare thing, a genuine star-driven character drama playing like a blockbuster.
The title character, played by Mia Farrow, is a pampered Upper East Side lady-who-lunches.
Brothers also appeared on shows like "The Love Boat" playing a character, often a doctor.
"It's never been an intention of mine to malign his name or character, " she said.
Do you have the character needed to be considered legitimate in the area you are discussing?
It is character--a stick-to-itiveness and a willingness to take risks, to take leaps into the unknown.
To me, Songbird is an extremely complex character and was the one disappointing element of Infinite.
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Ultimately, that bond is built on trust--in the entrepreneur's competence, character and empathy for his customers.
He is being judged on the content of his character, not the color of his skin.
Creating a character that merely looks like its consumers will only foster a superficial connection.
An emotional connection, according to Jim Hardison, creative director of Character, a Portland, Ore.
But it would have been anti-climactic and out of character for her to strike.
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This go-around, players will control a female character who has recently acquired a mysterious, powerful weapon.
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