He was acquitted of one count of obtaining a money transfer by deception and the jury was discharged from considering verdicts on a further charge of obtaining a money transfer by deception and two counts of forgery.
BBC: Robert Henry Jolleys
The average charge was euro24 and the highest, for a transfer from Greece to Denmark, was nearly euro61.
ECONOMIST: Borders and barriers
Small amounts of money can be transferred via PayPal, which does not require a minimum transfer amount, although transactions do incur a charge, currently set at 3.9%.
BBC: How to budget for living abroad
He was convicted of three charges of obtaining a money transfer by deception, three charges of fraud and one charge of the forgery of his ex-wife's signature on a bank form, after a trial in January.
BBC: Army colonel Robert Jolleys jailed for school fee fraud
Can she transfer the projects he was working on to the next person in charge?
FORBES: We Always Think We Have More Time
Once in charge of the firm, the government can discriminate among similarly situated creditors and transfer assets out of the business at will.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Paul Singer: Mega-Banks and the Next Financial Crisis
To make a long story short, card issuers have raised balance transfer rates and fees big time, so many cards that used to charge 2-3% are now charging 4-5%.
FORBES: Credit Card Issuers Stay Profitable Despite Headwinds
People who have already downloaded these games to their Wii System can transfer them to their Wii U consoles and play them in Wii Mode at no charge.
ENGADGET: blogger-avatar
Spokesman Darren Dopp noted that the dropped charges were wholly unrelated to, and less serious than, the core charge of fraud that it had filed against Greenberg and Smith, mainly on the basis of risk transfer transactions with General Reinsurance , or GenRe, that allegedly misstated AIG's financial health to its shareholders.
FORBES: Greenberg Still Headed To Court
My plan was this: Take a zero interest transfer credit offer from a credit card company when the 12 months was up and swap the charge forward to another company.
FORBES: Reader Story: How My Nosy Family Taught Me About Money
Vice-chairman Karren Brady told BBC Sport a month ago that Grant would "almost definitely" remain in charge at the end of the season and the club are likely to invest in new players during the January transfer window.
BBC: Manager Avram Grant unaware of West Ham sack ultimatum