Former DJ, TV presenter and charity fundraiser Sir Jimmy Savile has died, aged 84.
An Irish mountaineer and charity fundraiser has died while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
His third wife, Gayfryd, sat on the board of the New York Public Library and was a renowned charity fundraiser.
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Former prime minister Tony Blair starred alongside comic Catherine Tate for the charity fundraiser in the last months of his premiership in 2007.
He was told about the trip after hiking to the the summit of Mount Snowdon during his latest charity fundraiser on 23 December.
But as those few claims snowballed into hundreds, the family had to face up to the horrific truth: that the man they were so proud of as a media star and tireless charity fundraiser had a far darker side to his past.
He had been an active fundraiser for charity, and in February this year he walked blindfold from Chester to Llandudno to raise money for blind service veterans.
And an ex-fundraiser for the charity said funds have been spent on bonuses and celebrities appearances at staff away days.
There were fears there would be no further sponsorship from Jersey Post for the Rock in the Park Concert, which is a big fundraiser for the charity in the summer.
While there may not be time for traditional dating activities, singles can always multitask by making a date of a candidate fundraiser, a charity function or watching CSPAN together over takeout.
The judge also suspended the charity's trustees and ordered that its professional fundraiser, Tony Freeman, should not be involved in the management or control of the charity.
Armstrong was at the 15-year anniversary of his Livestrong charity this weekend that included a star-studded gala and a bike ride fundraiser with 4, 300 riders.
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The Royal Film Performance is the main fundraiser for the Cinema and Television Benevolent Fund (CTBF), the trade charity for the UK film and television industries.