Some of them instructed us in chaste Pashto to turn off the lights and stay inside.
Much of the time, Hardwick keeps the camera close to the chaste lovers.
But it is not won over by the occasion, saying the kisses were "the most perfunctory and chaste of pecks".
The movie is a sweet, chaste dream of good will, but silent movies were not about good will and restraint.
For decades, Hoover works at the Bureau with Clyde Tolson (Armie Hammer) and carries on a chaste love affair with him.
Purity balls are one of the newest ways that Christians are trying to keep their children chaste and free of sexually-transmitted diseases.
The clean-shaven gentleman on the couch, with the excellent posture, the pastel golf shirt, and that strangely chaste yet fiery look in his eye?
He lived for 53 years in a chaste, sexless relationship with Howard Austen, but there had been a different, deeper love some years before.
And while the early "Twilight" novels were decidedly chaste (at first, anyway), writers of fan fiction will tell you there's a huge desire for erotic novels.
CNN: 'Fifty Shades of Grey' shines light on erotic fan fiction
The NSPCC says the practice has no medical benefits but is motivated by cultural beliefs about preparing a girl for adulthood and marriage by making her "clean, chaste and faithful".
Mr Esteves counters that principal investments, including proprietary trading and private-equity activity are only 15-20% of income, although this is still quite high by the newly chaste standards of Western firms.
Human resources departments may care whether a candidate is well-rounded, creative and chaste, but general managers and scouts care about more concrete things: game statistics, 40-second dash time, injury history, arm length, Wonderlic score and other so-called measurables.
FORBES: Citing Manti Te'o, NFL Scouts Are Now Using Twitter To Vet Draft Prospects
In a hypnotic sequence, shot in a cornfield as if through a yellow haze, the lovers embark on a miniature ballet of courtship, building a palpable erotic tension through an exchange of shy glances and the most chaste of touches.