But Santos told CNN that his players had to keep their emotions in check against Germany.
CNN: Economic turmoil has 'affected' Greece team at Euro 2012
Baker sees Mozilla as a democratizing check against the predations of some of the biggest names on the Internet.
All 50 states and the federal government take cheek swabs from convicted criminals to check against federal and state databanks, with the court's blessing.
All insurers, self-insured businesses and government health programs must submit reports to the IRS about the individuals they cover, which the IRS will cross-check against tax returns.
This clearly would be a powerful check against that.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Breakfast with Frost | Council Tax capped?
Electronic funds might double check themselves against a blacklist before they move from one chip to another.
There are tougher benchmarks for recordkeeping and more detailed reporting, along with requirements to check customers against the Treasury Department's so-called specially designated persons list.
The scan would check the employee against a federal database to confirm eligibility to work.
Having a real system to check their designs against and to illustrate the challenges and benefits, is helpful.
He mobilized a team of 200 university professors and students to check exam papers against official computerized scores.
Before buying, it also pays to check price quotes against the securities industry Web site, www.investinginbonds.com, to avoid getting gouged by brokers.
This means the UK Statistics Authority, which monitors statistics to ensure good practice, had no remit to check the figures against the code of practice.
He assumes that Edward thinks the same, and so they treat this as a competition to see which man might stomp the fastest and the longest, each pausing only to check his progress against the other.
They could still check the purported messages against radar signals and against their database of flight plans.
FORBES: Next-Gen Air Traffic Control Vulnerable To Hackers Spoofing Planes Out Of Thin Air
At present, tax inspectors can check reported income and spending against bank accounts or credit-card statements.
You also can check for any complaints filed against it with the Better Business Bureau at bbb.org and consult with people in your network.
At the main intersection of Anaheim and Avalon boulevards a MoneyGram in an ACECash Express check-cashing store competes against a Western Union outpost in a Rite Aid just across the parking lot.
While the Fed will be updating its forecasts at each of its Federal Open Market Committee meetings, the Fed Reality Check will measure economic results against the first set of Fed forecasts from each year.
By keeping these diseases in check, the drug benefit guards against potentially costly medical interventions in the future.
Many readers will inevitably check the book's list against their own favourites.
And again, that means it's up to family members to check that the mattress is tight against a bed frame and the bedrail.
Robert Green, an accountant who heads GreenTraderTax, a tax preparer for more than 1, 000 investors, urges taxpayers to double-check brokerage cost-basis reports against their own records.
The car numbers will be checked against a central database to check fees have been paid.
The E-Verify law, which has been adopted in several states, would if passed oblige employers to check the legal status of prospective workers against a federal database.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Marco Rubio: Riding to the Immigration Rescue
Applicants would also have to pass a background check for aggravated felony assaults and be screened against terrorism watch lists.
WSJ: Connecticut Weighing Driver's Licenses for Illegal Immigrants
In each case, Mr Sandel gently prods readers to check their gut reactions of right and wrong against three philosophical views.
ECONOMIST: First principles of justice: Rights and wrongs | The
From a group of 16 GOP senators gun control advocates have considered possible allies, at least nine have now said they oppose the background check compromise and one said he is leaning against it.
It does not include ATM withdrawals, cash advances against a credit card, a check issued in connection with a payment card, or any transaction in which a payment card is accepted as payment by a merchant or other payee who is related to the issuer of the card.
FORBES: New Credit Card Reporting Requirement Worries Some Taxpayers
The Fed Reality Check graphic compares the values predicted by the Fed against the actual numbers as they are released.
Besides broader background check requirements, the bill would also toughen laws against illicit firearms sales and provide a small increase in school security aid.