We're going to check up now on mortgage lenders who say they're following the rules now.
If she couldn't reclaim her sales force, at least she could check up on them.
Parents can also check up on all of the Web sites that have been visited.
It has left it to local authorities to check up on butchers and restaurants.
Or office workers might check up on the children at home from their desktop computers.
It allows them to check up-to-the-minute market rates for their goods so devious middlemen can't deceive them.
Sometimes she sent me over to check up on him under the pretense of bringing him medicine.
"Each time we renew the license, we check up the balloon and we test the pilot, " Sherif said.
At a medical check up doctors told him he would have health problems if he went above 3, 000 meters.
And what we want to do is eliminate the need for people to check up on the experiment itself.
Not everyone is going to have a neighbor who'll check up on them.
We're about to check up on a plan endorsed by two of the three presidential candidates to lower gas prices.
In my case, after a long delayed check up, I came nose to scale with a very real large number.
Their son Richard was at home when pins and needles took him to the family doctor for a check up.
Someone from a more traditional Indian family might want to check up on whether a bride or groom drinks or smokes.
As citizens and taxpayers, we'd expect good discipline from these folks without having to have some one check up on them.
"If they need any doctors for check up or other health related issues, we have good doctors and medical workers, " he said.
Travelers can now check up-to-the-minute information for weather-related delays at forty major U.S. airports using the Federal Aviation Administration's web site www.fly.faa.gov.
Officials are urging residents to check up on elderly or sick neighbours.
Applicants had to be proven seamen, hard-working and level-headed, with a spotless criminal record (Houston uses private investigators to check up on that).
Make sure you check up on volcanic conditions before you go.
So we immediately left to check up on the newborn children.
FORBES: Most Maternal Deaths Due to Preventable Health Risks
Of course, if you're feeling social, the solution will also let you share what you're watching with others and check up on your friend's TV-viewing habits.
But from the autumn the government wants universities to check up on suspicious behaviour, reporting foreign students who seem to have dropped out to the UK Borders Agency.
In the short time that I've had to check up on this, I've discussed it with the local health authority and of course this is a local decision.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Lancashire | Reid takes up 'cancer bill' claim
In need of a medical check up, she and her son were transferred from the ship to the shore by the crew of the Penlee lifeboat, Solomon Browne.
The attention prompted thousands of football fans to check out of the game and check up on McCarron's flame, turning "Katherine Webb" into Google's second-hottest search -- behind only McCarron himself.
If all goes well, the system could check up to 1, 200 passengers every hour at a single gate -- a rate quick enough to prevent a logjam at even the busiest terminals.
Of course, you can also do some slightly more practical things like tailor your coffee exactly the way you like using the massive touchscreen, and even check up on the weather and news while you wait.
ENGADGET: BeMoved coffee machine will make you jump for your caffeine fix