It was tennis to stare at, to cheer for, to rewind again and again.
Needless to say, it's hard to know which of these bills to cheer for.
His ruthlessness was fun to watch, and it was easy to cheer for him.
However, Susanne Sorenson, from the Alzheimer's Society, had some words of cheer for partnerless people.
In 1990, GM gave us a reason to cheer for it, when it rolled out Saturn.
And there was little cheer for the video gaming industry as the chancellor reversed planned tax breaks.
Many on Wall Street will cheer for this deal with an eye toward rich investment banking fees.
People are coming out to take pictures, to scream and yell and to cheer for the elephants.
For either sport to thrive in 2012 and beyond, Americans will need American players to cheer for.
FORBES: One Thing Every Sport's Commissioner Should Change in 2012
We celebrate our accomplishments, enjoy student performances, and cheer for our favorites in the student versus staff challenges.
Although fans of low-revenue teams didn't get better teams to cheer for, the owners made out quite nicely.
Motivated, I decided to head out to the race scene to cheer for these everyday heroes of the race.
FORBES: What Was It Like To Be Near The Explosions At The 2013 Boston Marathon?
In fact, I cheer for him harder these days, and the (now frequent) 75s make me gloomier in spirit.
FORBES: Tiger Woods, Frank Deford and the Art of Hitting it Long and Straight
Mr. Bloomberg asked the crowd at several points to cheer for his comments.
Italians may cheer for gli azzurri when their football side takes the field.
It would be great if we could get some Wests Tigers supporters to cheer for us in the World Cup.
"We know you cheer for Indiana and Ohio State, but we aren't playing them now, " the former athletic director told them.
He offered little cheer for first-time buyers, saying that lenders were still being pushed towards less risky customers owing to lending restrictions.
For that reason alone, the government deserves a cheer for publishing a white paper this week setting out its second stage of reforms.
In a sport where fans traditionally root for a home county or hometown player, WTT gives sports fans the opportunity to cheer for their hometown team.
Even if you are a global warming skeptic, you can cheer for green greens, as long as they are risking their own money and not risking ours.
He needed Points to make bogey on the last hole to have any chance, and was on the tee when he heard the cheer for a par.
But, ultimately, Budget day is all about the Chancellor: Raising as much short term cheer for his party as possible and setting, or maintaining, some long term direction.
Not much to cheer for after that, though: Williams won the next three points with a 111 mph ace, a 100 mph ace, and a 101 mph service winner.
Fans of the 787 Dreamliner haven't had much reason to cheer for the past few weeks when the FAA grounded all US jets over concerns of battery failures.
But you may want to withhold your third cheer for their new strategy until it becomes clear whether the policy guardrails are strong enough this time to keep their hopes from tumbling down.
An avid endurance athlete and CEO of 110% Play Harder, a sportswear company, it was his first Boston Marathon and four of his co-workers had come to the finish line to cheer for him.