The Chemical Weapons Convention prohibits the production, stockpiling and use of chemical and biological weapons.
The use of chemical and biological weapons are banned under the Chemical Weapons Convention.
They have accused critics who questioned the existence of chemical and biological weapons of playing politics with the issue.
The debate right now is over did they actually have stockpiles as opposed to programs for chemical and biological weapons?
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations
Under the ceasefire agreement which ended the 1991 Gulf War, Iraq was obliged to end its chemical and biological weapons capacity.
When it comes to chemical and biological weapons, if you have the program you have the knowledge, you have the production capability.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations
The United States argued Hussein's regime had been harboring forbidden stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, long-range missiles and a nuclear weapons program.
Iraq is also reported to have begun excavating sites where, it says, chemical and biological weapons were disposed of after the Gulf war.
He will put us back in the forefront of the world's fight to reduce nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and to stop global warming.
The mandate of UNSCOM-the United Nations Special Commission on Iraq-was to see to the dismantling of Iraq's offensive-warfare programs: chemical and biological weapons, nuclear weapons, and longrange missiles.
Winding up the hearings, the Commission hears testimony from Dr Wouter Basson in July 1998, who headed a government chemical and biological weapons programme during the apartheid era.
The United States and Britain accused Iraq of failing to comply with U.N. resolutions demanding it give up chemical and biological weapons, long-range missiles and any nuclear weapons program.
However, using the seeds to make a highly concentrated form of ricin would require laboratory equipment and expertise to extract, said Raymond Zilinskas, a chemical and biological weapons expert.
Baghdad also had said it destroyed remaining stocks of its chemical and biological weapons as was required under the terms of the cease-fire that ended the Persian Gulf War in 1991.
UN's Special Commission, whose job it has been since the Gulf war ended in 1991 to strip Iraq of its secret chemical and biological weapons and the missiles to fire them.
Al Libi would become notorious, after being captured in November 2001, for lying to his interrogators and telling them that al Qaeda was working to get chemical and biological weapons from Saddam Hussein.
Chief among these interests are: counter-terrorism, disposal of Soviet-built chemical and biological weapons, security of nuclear and radiological materials, arms control, nonproliferation, and the responsible withdrawal of U.S. and NATO forces from Afghanistan.
FORBES: What America's Russia Policy Should Look Like in Barack Obama's Second Term
Unscom was told once before that it had ticked off all there was to know, only to discover almost by accident that Iraq was still concealing an industrial-sized chemical and biological weapons programme.
Hossam Amin, the former chief of Iraq's National Monitoring Directorate, may be able to provide information on the whereabouts of Iraq's suspected stocks of chemical and biological weapons or of ousted leader Saddam Hussein.
Donald Rumsfeld, America's defence secretary, said on Tuesday that Iraq may have destroyed its chemical and biological weapons before the invasion, although there were still hundreds of suspected sites left in the country to investigate.
U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld appeared to support that premise Tuesday, saying a possible reason that Iraqi chemical and biological weapons have not been found was that Saddam's government had destroyed them before the conflict.
The United States and its allies invaded Iraq in March 2003, accusing Saddam Hussein's regime of concealing stocks of chemical and biological weapons, long-range missiles and efforts to develop a nuclear bomb from U.N. weapons inspectors.
Hans Blix , the hapless Swedish diplomat chosen by Saddam's friends on the Security Council to run the search for chemical and biological weapons and their delivery systems is demonstrating why he was tapped for the job.
The dossier, which set out evidence about Saddam's alleged chemical and biological weapons programs, caused embarrassment for the government after it was revealed it included material copied from an American student's thesis that was posted on the Internet.
Let's go back to Tony Blair's words, we can see them on the screen what he said in September 2002 he says, 'his dossier concludes Iraq has chemical and biological weapons, that Saddam has continued to produce them.
Perhaps hoping to mollify any hardening opinion, Iraq has sent the inspectors six letters including extra information (its officials say) to back up its claims to have destroyed chemical and biological weapons unilaterally after the last Gulf war.
Bush administration officials -- Powell among them -- argued that Iraq had harbored stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, a hidden nuclear weapons program and long-range missiles in violation of the cease-fire that ended the Persian Gulf War in 1991.
However, most practicing physicians and other medical providers receive a minimal amount of training in WMD, radiologic, chemical and biological weapons, so it is vital that they continue to review policies and procedures to care for patients who may be exposed.
The defense secretary refused to comment about another New York Times story, which said that an Iraqi scientist had told an American military team that Iraqis destroyed chemical and biological weapons equipment days before the start of the war in Iraq.
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Because if Iraq is not effectively disarmed not only could she use chemical and biological weapons against her own people again, other rogue states would be encouraged to copy her, the spread of those weapons would multiply the likelihood that terrorists would lay their hands on them.