That fact coupled with the potential backlash should one of these baby perfumes be found to contain a known chemicalofconcern or should the latest baby eau de toilette kick off a rash of rashes should give manufacturers pause.
The company has also emphasized the economic impact of listing phthalates as a ChemicalofConcern, claiming that such a listing would result in higher costs, job losses, the closure of businesses and would make U.S. companies less competitive in the global market.
Syria is believed to possess large quantities ofchemical weapons and there has been heightened concern among the international community in recent months about the safety of the stockpiles.
Syria is believed to possess large amounts ofchemical weapons and there has been heightened concern among the international community in recent months about the safety of the stockpiles.
Most strikingly, Mr Gore is interested in science: his famous concern for the chemical balance of environment is matched by similar passions for the Internet, the genome map, new research on learning.