All supplies of the chemical substance at the hospital has been seized and will be examined.
No chemical substance had been found in the flat so far, Mr Todd said - but officers were still searching the entire three-storey Victorian block early on Wednesday afternoon.
Apparently the microwavable pad housed a chemical substance (manufactured by ADEKA) not quite stable enough to handle the heat, sparking a lengthy list of of cases where the liquid erupted from its container and provided an uncomfortable surprise to the poor soul embracing the creature's volcanic warmth.
For instance, Merck and Pfizer spent years trying to develop drugs that worked on a mysterious brain chemical called substance P.
Whereas alcohol and substance abuse has a chemical addiction, the buzz from gambling is a mental state of mind which is desirable.
Such potency makes the substance hard to detect by chemical analysis, which lacks the sensitivity of the nose.
This can turn a non-toxic substance called 5-fluorocytosine into a nasty chemical called 5-fluorouracil that kills all cells, normal and malignant.
That's when researchers at Rocket Chemical Co. were trying to develop a petroleum-based substance to protect missile skins from moisture.
Very little has changed since the early 1950s, when researchers at Rocket Chemical Co. were trying to develop a petroleum-based substance to protect missile skins from moisture.
"Additional documentation indicates he refused to submit to a chemical analysis to determine alcohol concentration or presence of an impairing substance at the time of the citation, " the company said.
The company is the second largest producer of commercial silica, which is a sand-like substance used in fracking as well as glass making and chemical manufacturing.
In the substance he eventually lit on, this happens because at room temperature there are chemical bonds between polymer molecules and water molecules.
ECONOMIST: A novel idea for stopping the transmission of HIV
"Our clinical team is highly specialized in the treatment of substance abuse and more importantly, the psychiatric illnesses which often accompany individuals suffering" from chemical dependency issues.