In Chicago, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade were evacuated.
At 7:19 A.M at the Chicago Board of Trade Harold Lavender is saying his good mornings.
One of his most famous photographs is of dealers at the Chicago Board of Trade.
Still, farmers tend to trust other farmers, and tour forecasts stir markets at the Chicago Board of Trade.
Both Duffy and Sprecher were offering stock for the Chicago Board of Trade.
The exchanges are responding to a link-up between its two biggest rivals, the Chicago Board of Trade and Europe's Eurex.
Mrs Cantor is now working with the Chicago Board of Trade to set up an electronic rival to Cantor's bond exchange.
The Chicago-based company runs the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) and COMEX futures exchanges.
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The pilot revenue-insurance policies have sold briskly, and the Chicago Board of Trade reports that attendance has doubled at its trade shows about marketing tools.
"All the buzz in Washington surrounding ethanol indicates that it's going to survive, " says David Lehman, managing director of the Chicago Board of Trade's commodities group.
Growers in the heartland distrust the markets in general and the Chicago Board of Trade in particular often because they have seen a speculative venture go bad.
Grain merchants stepped in to set standards, now that grain from multiple fields was going to be mixed, and they established the Chicago Board of Trade.
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The electronic bond market also has rival bids from Deutsche Boerse as well as the Chicago Board of Trade, data group Thomson and private equity group Carlyle.
The project is the brainchild of Richard Sandor, a former economist with the Chicago Board of Trade, best known for founding the international market in interest-rate derivatives.
Two years ago, the Chicago Board of Trade introduced an electronic gold futures contract and has parlayed it into a 19% share of the trading in gold futures.
Fed funds futures traded on the Chicago Board of Trade have been indicating an 88% likelihood that rates would rise as the Fed ended its regular two-day meeting this week.
Within a few years Euronext Liffe would merge with the New York Stock Exchange, and the Merc would come to terms with a historic rival, the Chicago Board of Trade.
At the Chicago Board of Trade, last year's volume also rose to a record 674 million contracts last year, up 12.4% from the year before, and 65% of those trades were electronic.
The CBOE was the first stock options exchange in the world, founded in 1973, spun off by futures traders at the Chicago Board of Trade who were looking for something to trade.
November Fed funds futures trading on the Chicago Board of Trade rose 0.13, to 95.0, indicating traders expect the fed funds rate to be cut to 5.00% from 5.25% in the next few months .
Among the high-profile deals it has given the green light within the past year: the union of XM Satellite Radio and Sirius, and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange 's purchase of the Chicago Board of Trade.
Two years ago, the Chicago Board of Trade (nyse: BOT - news - people ) introduced an electronic gold futures contract and has parlayed it into a 19% share of the trading in gold futures.
Scott Anixter, 51, Anicom's chief executive and chairman, hoped to polish his image after being charged in 1990 with 14 felony counts of fraud and five misdemeanor violations in a trading scam at the Chicago Board of Trade.
Some of the city's leading executives sit on the museum's board of directors, including the president of the Chicago Board of Trade (the museum board treasurer), a former chairman of Sara Lee and the chairman of Hyatt Hotels.
Even so, in contrast to only ten years ago, the firms operating in Kansas City today are largely the same as those trading soft red winter wheat at the Chicago Board of Trade and spring wheat at the Minneapolis Grain Exchange.
Among the high-profile deals it has given the green light within the past year: the union of XM Satellite Radio (nasdaq: XMSR - news - people ) and Sirius, and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange 's (nyse: CME - news - people ) purchase of the Chicago Board of Trade.
You would short euro futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange or the New York Board of Trade.
It would feed news gathered from bureaus in Chicago (which will cover the Merc and Board of Trade) and Washington, as well as overseas bureaus he plans to open in Sydney and London.
About 500 miles away from the cornfields of southern Illinois, in Chicago, Ceres, the goddess of agriculture stands atop the city's board of trade, the place that claims to have invented futures trading in in the 19th Century.
The Board of Trade's online classes draw in people from Chicago to Afghanistan.