Plans for a chicken farm housing more than 300, 000 birds in a small Lincolnshire hamlet have been approved.
KGB-run but less exalted border guards before becoming manager of a chicken farm.
What she cannot understand is why anyone would want to travel halfway around the world to set-up a chicken farm.
So eventually, if they were to succeed, once somebody is out of the picture, the next one will be the chicken farm down the road.
It showed a heavily damaged building as well as what appeared to be a chicken farm with some chickens pecking around in debris scattered with dead birds.
Born in Iowa and raised on his grandfather's chicken farm, Deming joined the US Census Bureau in 1939 and, after the second world war, was sent to Japan to advise on a census that was taking place there.
In 1996, the Labor Department accused DeCoster of maintaining "sweatshop conditions" for migrant workers at its Turner, Maine, chicken farm, where then-Labor Secretary Robert Reich said workers risked salmonella by handling dead chickens and manure with their bare hands.
Arthur X-Man, who quit his job on a free-range chicken farm in eastern England to join the movement, joked that he and other occupiers felt a little like refugees, and said they were searching for a new place to Occupy.
WSJ: Occupy Movement's Version of the Odd Couple Unfolds in London
For all that, Mr Lukashenka, a former chicken-farm manager, is a wily demagogue.
The extraordinary sophistication of a basic, black- truffle roasted Clark Farm chicken with caramelized root vegetables and potato-shallot pure is what special restaurant fare is all about: wonderful ingredients, creative and delicious melding of flavors, flawless presentation. l Cafe M -- The Stanhope Hotel, 995 Fifth Ave.
Waterkeeper alleged that chicken litter was being discharged from the Hudson Farm in Berlin into a tributary of the Pocomoke River.
India banned shipments of US farm products, including poultry meat and chicken eggs, in 2007 to prevent the spread of avian flu.
One summer his father made him take a job on a farm where he had to clean up chicken excrement and sort eggs on a conveyor belt.
The federal lawsuit was filed in 2010, after representatives from Waterkeeper flew over the farm and identified what they initially believed to be a large uncovered pile of chicken manure.
The Mexicans contended that farm subsidies north of the border, plus a surplus of "dark meat" chicken pieces resulting from affluent America's preference for breast cuts, threatened them with ruin.