• Last year Mr Thaksin clashed with Sonthi Boonyaratglin, his army chief (and a Muslim), who wanted talks with the rebels.

    ECONOMIST: Thailand and Malaysia

  • Peter Carl Mackay (1881-1965), rather than being a chief of the Falasha tribe of Abyssinia (modern day Ethiopia), came from the Caribbean.

    BBC: A History of the World

  • His colleague, Wolf Blitzer, stopped questioning a pundit to talk by phone with a Louisiana parish president (basically, a county chief executive) who was desperate to get word out that a levee in his parish was about to fail.

    NPR: Stormy Weather Might Just Help This GOP Ticket

  • Skyfall sees spy chief M (Dench) battling a crisis with roots in her past, and Bardem playing a villain bent on revenge.

    BBC: Skyfall premiere is biggest and best - Daniel Craig

  • The leading advocates of this view of executive power, unprecedented in its breadth, were David Addington, a former vice-presidential counsel (now chief of staff to the vice-president), John Yoo, a former Justice Department lawyer (now back in academia), and Alberto Gonzales, the former White House counsel, now attorney-general.

    ECONOMIST: George Bush's climb-down over the Geneva Conventions

  • Some have been duly celebrated, like Aldo Leopold (1887-1948), author of the remarkable A Sand County Almanac (1949), of Chief Justice William O.

    FORBES: "A Memorial Day for the Environment"

  • He and his two talented lieutenants, Peter S. Kim (chief of research) and Peter Loescher (chief of just about everything else), have made impressive changes in a short time.

    FORBES: Taking Their Medicine

  • Chief WILLIAM BRATTON (Chief of Police, Los Angeles Police Department): A very small department, 9, 000, versus New York, a very large department, 38, 000.

    NPR: LAPD Chief on Making the City Safer

  • Many a CFO (chief financial officer) or COO (chief operating officer) falls squarely in this category.

    FORBES: Is The End Of Gigantic, Unfair, And Absurd CEO Pay Near?

  • What do companies look for in a Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO)?

    FORBES: Careers in CSR: Job Profiling the Chief Sustainability Officer

  • To bolster Changhong's case, attorneys for Zhao(the new chief) wanted a second videotape made, this one in English to show Ji confirming the sign-over of assets in the first tape, Hsu says.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • And while the Peronists are a single (albeit fractious) party accustomed to a single chief, the two-party Alliance has a collective leadership.

    ECONOMIST: Argentina’s Mr Boring plods to victory by default | The

  • Our Federal Chief Information Officer (CIO), Steven VanRoekel, just issued a Memorandum for Chief Information Officers of Executive Departments and Agencies detailing requirements for accepting externally-issued digital credentials.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • That said, the going forward approach then is to have a process for reporting seemingly disparate small security issues, and having a person to report them to (in most organizations a chief information security officer or CISO) who can put them all together in the context of a larger attack.

    FORBES: Discussing Gawker's Breach With Founder Nick Denton

  • For Mintz, a 39-year-old accountant and former chief executive of a cooperage (wine-barrel-making business) and Twelftree, 38, with a background in construction and small-scale wine exporting, the change is music to their ears.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Former Intel ( INTC) chief Andy Grove wrote a timeless book about leadership, Only the Paranoid Survive.

    FORBES: Tim Cook Continues to Slowly Kill Post-Steve Jobs Apple

  • Ramanathan, had risen from humble beginnings to end life as a Prime Minister (Chief Advisor) to no less than two important Regional Monarchs.

    FORBES: What We Humans Value: The Nothingness of Life

  • He said the government was working with the Association of Chief Police Offices (Acpo) to create a new task force "to better inform intelligence and ensure those responsible for these crimes are brought to justice".

    BBC: Government plans legislation to tackle metal theft

  • Ms. ELAINE LUDWIG (Chief Clerk, Lebanon County) A big gripe of election officials is that we are down in the trenches and that we should have a little input into what kind of systems we think are going to work for us.

    NPR: Local Election Officials Oppose Paper Ballots

  • "It really does need to go to a new level -- these conversations where I'm asking my police chief (to) help me with what we need to understand going into a situation that could turn as bad as Gwinnett County and New York, " said Schwartz, who's also chief of the Arlington County, Virginia, Fire Department.


  • Small businesses are hampered less by a lack of loans than a shortage of customers, argues Bill Dunkelberg, chief economist of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), a trade group.

    ECONOMIST: Credit in America

  • Frank Sorrentino, chairman and chief executive of ConnectOne Bank (and a Forbes contributor), wholeheartedly agrees.

    FORBES: Winners Like Zoetis And Pinnacle Foods Help Heat Up The IPO Market

  • David Miller, chief security officer at Covisint (a subsidiary of Compuware), is a perfect example.

    FORBES: Influx of Nerds Changes Tenor of Auto Industry's Summer Camp

  • "They have to batten down the hatches between now and then, " says Brad Hintz, an analyst at Sanford Bernstein (and a former chief financial officer at Lehman).

    FORBES: Lehman Doesn't Need The Money

  • American chief executives earn a lot (see p. 61), far more than their counterparts in other countries, but if stock markets keep rising the latter will start to catch up.

    FORBES: Capitalism is contagious

  • Currently, no federal regulations are in place to govern cloud computing, and according to an April 2011 Information Systems Audit and Control Association survey of 1, 800 Chief Information Officers (CIOs), compliance is a top risk.

    FORBES: Implementation of Cloud Computing Solutions in Federal Agencies : Part 2 - Challenges of Cloud Computing

  • It works to smooth power demand on the grid and effectively lowers electricity costs to the customer, says Schmitz, who was formerly Chief Operating Officer of UltraLife (ULBI), a worldwide designer and manufacrturer of power and communictions systems.

    FORBES: Power Opportunity for GE, et al: How To Store Wind/Solar Renewable Energy

  • It keeps rolling as the antihero, studio production chief Griffin Mill (Tim Robbins), murders a screenwriter he thinks is threatening him, endures a police investigation, defends his corporate turf, and takes us through the process that can transform even a tough-minded flop into a potential smash hit.

    NEWYORKER: The Player

  • The government responded by asking the author of this study, Professor Robin Alexander of Warwick University, along with Chris Woodhead (then in charge of the national curriculum, now England's chief inspector of schools) and Jim Rose (a senior schools inspector) to conduct an urgent review of the evidence on teaching methods.

    ECONOMIST: Plowden��s progress

  • "My personal opinion is that the economy is now in a recession, " said MartinFeldsteinMartin Feldstein, president and chief executive of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), in a speech in Boca Raton, Fla.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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