The orders were later withdrawn in the face of opposition from two top security officials at the time - chief-of-staff Lt Gen Gabi Ashkenazi and the head of the intelligence service, Mossad, Meir Dagan.
He was overruled by the then Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and a more hawkish chief-of-staff.
BBC: International support for attack on Gaza in the balance
As it is, despite strenuous efforts by America's chief-of-staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, relations have been strained for ages.
The party - led by Mr Netanyahu's former chief-of-staff Naftali Bennett - has been recently challenging Likud-Beitenu's dominance on the right.
As the military's chief-of-staff until December last year, I can assure you that we know all about the North Korean armed forces.
Likud-Beitenu's dominance on the right has been challenged by Habayit Hayehudi, led by millionaire businessman Naftali Bennett - Mr Netanyahu's former chief-of-staff.
In it, campaign chief-of-staff Mark Bloch stands in front of a building and promises a campaign like none other, but closes the video with a drag on a cigarette.
Yet instead of going for a scaled-back version -- as then-Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel had counseled -- they went for the whole thing.
Mr Ahmadinejad is likely to endorse the expected candidacy of his chief-of-staff and close confidante, Esfandiar Rahim-Mashaei.
Mr Dirceu, an ally of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, known as Lula, quit as his chief-of-staff in June.
Speaking on behalf of Park is former chief-of-staff Kim Jin Ho.
Mr Clegg said his then chief-of-staff Danny Alexander had "challenged" and "confronted" Lord Rennard in 2008 over "general concerns" about his behaviour, and had told the peer that "this is not acceptable".
BBC: Lord Rennard claims: Peer reprimanded over telephone call
From June 2005 to June 2006, he served as Special Assistant (for Values and Vision) to the Secretary and Chief-of-Staff of the U.S. Air Force, with the equivalent military rank of Brigadier General.
As a Harvard graduate, she was selected to join the World Bank by her former professor, Larry Summers and later went on to become his Chief-of-Staff at the U.S. Treasury after working at McKinsey and earning her M.
If you had had a meeting with any of them as a Google hiring manager before they joined the Googleplex, you would have blown away: Ivy League and other prestigious colleges and graduate schools, Rhodes Scholars, McKinsey stints, times working for Larry Summers as Chief-of-Staff in DC.
FORBES: How Do Apple and Google Think of Talent Differently?
On August 6, 2008, Palin was told that the Legislature's investigator, Steven Branchflower, had requested "a laundry list" of records from the governor's office: "Emails, files correspondence, names and addresses of any and all staff that would have any knowledge of Walt's firing, " wrote her then-chief of staff, Mike Nizich.
We have -- at a policy level, Deputy Chief of Staff Nancy-Ann DeParle is chief of policy, if you will.
Today, in an event President Obama nominated Jacob Lew -- the current White House chief of staff -- to serve as the next Treasury Secretary.
But obviously, simply because Pete has the -- is the chief of staff, but only on an interim basis now, does certainly not -- certainly does not preclude him being a permanent chief of staff at a later date.
It was no accident that the people who came under most intense scrutiny thanks to Rich Armitage's disloyalty were presidential advisor Karl Rove and the Vice President's then-chief of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby.
The GOP letter said the offer is based on a framework proposed last year by Erskine Bowles, a Democrat and one-time White House chief of staff who co-chaired a bipartisan deficit reduction panel appointed by Obama in 2010.
This time around, all of the major Democrats -- former Gov. Jim Hunt and former White House Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles, for example -- have bowed out of the race, leaving a fairly thin Democratic field.
They note that President George W. Bush's Justice Department refused to take any action after a Democratic-controlled House voted in early 2008 to hold then-White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten and then-White House Counsel Harriet Miers in contempt for actions relating to the controversial dismissal of several U.S. prosecutors.
The former chief of -- the Joint Chiefs of Staff said that -- Admiral Mullen -- said that our debt is the biggest national security threat we face.
Not only was the president included in the correspondence but all top White House staff such as then-White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta and Vice President Al Gore's chief of staff.
The leading advocates of this view of executive power, unprecedented in its breadth, were David Addington, a former vice-presidential counsel (now chief of staff to the vice-president), John Yoo, a former Justice Department lawyer (now back in academia), and Alberto Gonzales, the former White House counsel, now attorney-general.
ECONOMIST: George Bush's climb-down over the Geneva Conventions
And you're going to hear from Brooke Anderson -- she's the Chief of Staff for the National Security Staff -- who's to my left.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Previews the U.K. State Dinner
He was overthrown along with then-Army Chief of Staff Jose Amora Induta in a mutiny in April 2010.
Focus of the chief of staff -- that means you guys are fully anticipating he is here through November.