President Juan Manuel Santos - who nominated her for the role of chief prosecutor - expressed regret at her departure.
His first major misstep was in January, when he learned that the wife of his ex-chief prosecutor, Kim Tae Jung, had accepted a fur coat and other clothes from an expensive boutique.
The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo has arrived in Ivory Coast to investigate the country's post-election violence.
Nazir Afzal, chief crown prosecutor for north-west England, said arrests in the wake of the Jimmy Savile revelations would continue.
Meanwhile, the chief Crown prosecutor for north-west England has said a number of arrests are planned in the coming weeks of individuals under suspicion of committing sexual abuse.
In requesting the new warrant in May, Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo said he was seeking to expand the charges after reviewing evidence in the case against Thomas Lubanga, a former Congolese militia leader.
Nazir Afzal, the Chief Crown Prosecutor for the North-West of England, says that "problem" healers are something the police are getting intelligence on.
The chief prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, outlined the case against Mr Bemba.
The ICC chief prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, has begun exploring accusations that NATO forces have committed war crimes in Afghanistan, which became a party to the ICC in 2003.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Ambulance-chasing, from Kabul to Gaza
But Kim's legal affairs chief, Park Ju Sun, gave a detailed report to then-prosecutor Kim, who turned it over to Park Si Eon, chief lobbyist for the insurance boss.
Robert Jackson (pictured above, third from left, with Roosevelt, left), later chief prosecutor at the Nuremberg war-crimes tribunal, attended just one year of law school.
But Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the ICC's chief prosecutor, insists that peace and justice, far from being antagonistic, can actually complement one another.
Jim Brisbane, chief crown prosecutor for the Crown Prosecution Service Cymru-Wales, said they had been charged with publishing a matter likely to lead members of the public to identify the complainant in a rape case.
UN's chief prosecutor of war crimes in Rwanda and ex-Yugoslavia.
Until now, the front-runners, well ahead, for next year's presidential election were Horacio Serpa, Mr Samper's former interior minister, and Alfonso Valdivieso, the former chief prosecutor and zealous investigator of drug-related corruption who gave up that post some months ago to become a candidate.
Archive Sharif Press Conference Aztec TV 20" Music Liz Drew 10" INT JAIL: SHARIF SYNC: SHARIF: They're liars - the governor is a liar, and the chief prosecutor is a liar too.
The ICC chief prosecutor has accused the Kenyan authorities of failing to co-operate with the case and said some witnesses have been intimidated.
Turkey's chief prosecutor says the AKP is "the focal point of anti-secular activities", and is seeking to have it disbanded.
The company's existence was first revealed on February 1st by the country's chief prosecutor, Yuri Skuratov, who had been investigating the high-spending central bank since last August's financial crash.
Mr Kay made the call after ICC chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda dropped charges against Mr Kenyatta's co-accused, Francis Muthaura, because a key witness had "recanted" his evidence and other witnesses were too scared to testify.
There is no hope "in the near future" of solving the murders of an Iraqi-born British citizen and his family in the French Alps, a chief prosecutor says.
Judith Walker, Chief Crown Prosecutor for the East Midlands, said she was satisfied the couple acted in reasonable self-defence and should not face criminal charges.
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Mr Muite criticised the ICC's chief prosecutor for charging Mr Uhuru and Mr Ruto, instead of Mr Kibaki and Mr Odinga - the main candidates in the 2007 election.
Last month his top lieutenant in the U.S., Paul Jannuzzo , a tightly wound former New Jersey prosecutor and 12-year veteran of the company, resigned as general counsel and chief operating officer.
In a new sign of discord in ruling circles, an Iranian parliamentary committee deplored the death in prison of three anti-government protesters after June's disputed election and blamed Saeed Mortazavi, a former chief prosecutor of Tehran noted for his harsh attitude to dissent.
But in September he appointed Bernard Chunga, the long-serving deputy public prosecutor, and a man deeply loyal to the regime, to be chief justice.
Days earlier he had been made to sack his chief of staff and top security official, Nikolai Bordyuzha, who had bungled an attempt to remove the prosecutor-general, Yuri Skuratov, from office.
On Monday, the chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC) said he was negotiating with the rebels for Saif al-Islam's transfer to The Hague.
BBC: Libya conflict: Defiant Saif al-Islam Gaddafi reappears
Nazir Afzal, chief prosecutor for the North West region, said while abuse is a problem for many women's groups - it can be much starker for South Asian women because they're seen as rejecting the power that men typically hold.