Bavaria's interior ministry said it was considering stripping the late actor of an honorary chief police inspector title awarded to Tappert in 1980, German media reported.
Police Chief Inspector Mark Gilmore said the circumstances would be fully investigated.
The idea has been supported in principle by the the town's Acting Chief Inspector for North Wales Police Roland Schwartz.
In Tuesday's report, Chief Inspector Tom Winsor called on police to improve their policies and practices to keep children safe.
In February 2000, three weeks after transmission, the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland asked the Chief Inspector of Constabulary to carry out an inquiry into the SCRO.
Acting chief inspector Simon Barrasford of North Wales Police said partygoers were taking dangerous risks.
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The Rio police chief also justified her choice of replacement, Inspector Monique Vidal, for her "trajectory as a female officer".
But Detective Chief Inspector Martin Bottomley, of Greater Manchester Police, said the sentences showed that violence was not the answer to the town's problems.
Chief Inspector Leroy Logan, chairman of the Metropolitan Black Police Association, said the jail terms handed down should have been longer.
Mr Lloyd Jones told the jury how Mr Yates had turned up in his Peugeot 306 estate at the North Wales police traffic base at St Asaph where he spoke to a chief inspector.
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"Several attempts were made by local police to get to the man but the road was impassable, " the chief inspector said.
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It was part of a package of reforms put forward by the Chief Inspector of Constabulary Tom Winsor, in the widest-ranging review of police pay and conditions in more than 30 years.
Newsnight has seen an Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) report which is highly critical of the way Cleveland Police investigated Mr Watson and of the conduct of the officer in charge, Chief Inspector Anthony Riordan.
The new Chief Inspector of Constabulary, Tom Winsor, has said the introduction of outsiders into the police will "enrich" the service.
BBC: Tom Winsor says outsiders will 'enrich' the police service
Police will review evidence that came out during trial and could decide to seek additional charges, Detective Chief Inspector Chris Ankers said.
The Criminal Justice Chief Inspector Michael Maguire reports that "with some exceptions" there were "no major concerns around the (Police Ombudsman's) investigation of current cases".