"We need to see the detail, " said the shadow chief secretary to the Treasury, Rachel Reeves.
Visiting Beijing this week is Hong Kong's Chief Secretary for Administration Anson Chan Fang On-Sang.
The review, called by Alastair Darling, the chief secretary to the Treasury, had been widely trailed.
But Maharashtra chief secretary, Prem Kumar, said no-one could have anticipated the level of rainfall.
Chief Secretary to the Treasury Yvette Cooper told the Andrew Marr Show she "completely disagreed" with Sir John's analysis.
Today the Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander tells them that they'll only make things worse.
The positive language being deployed by the Chief Secretary is about the UK's togetherness, unity and credibility.
But former Chief Secretary to the Treasury David Laws is being tipped for a return to the cabinet.
Treasury Chief Secretary Liam Byrne warned Labour not to ease up on efforts to stimulate the UK economy.
The chief secretary, with her 35 years in government, is steeped in the culture of Britain's colonial civil service.
Liam Byrne, chief secretary to the Treasury, outlined the deal in a letter to Scottish Finance Secretary John Swinney.
But that place is not at the chief secretary's desk in the Treasury.
Today the chancellor and the chief secretary are telling us they finally have a plan to make it happen.
Lib Dem Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander is currently leading a review into alternatives to a like-for-like replacement.
About 300 military and civilian officials attended the morning interfaith prayers, according to Vivek Rae, chief secretary of the islands.
Earlier at the conference, Lib Dem Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander described Eurosceptics as the "enemies of growth".
BBC: Lib Dem conference: Michael Moore slams Tory MPs EU bid
But Labour's shadow chief secretary to the Treasury, Rachel Reeves, said the government's economic plan was "hurting but not working".
Treasury Chief Secretary Danny Alexander said the Budget would create an "economy that is able to compete on the world stage".
The public consultation will run between 9 January and 20 February and responses should be submitted to the chief secretary's office.
Shadow chief secretary to the Treasury, Rachel Reeves, said now was not the time to do away with the 50p rate.
Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander said the in-principle agreement to devolve capital borrowing powers was "an important step forward".
Concluding an often stormy debate, Treasury Chief Secretary Danny Alexander described the Budget as one "for the many, not the few".
Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Andrew Smith, said the project would "empower" people by giving them access to learning and job opportunities.
"The idea that we should extract ourselves from the bulk of EU obligations is nonsensical, " the chief secretary to the Treasury said.
Maya Even puts this to Andrew Smith, Chief Secretary to the treasury.
Angela Eagle, Labour's shadow chief secretary to the Treasury, urged Mr Alexander and Chancellor George Osborne to act now to help UK motorists.
Earlier, Lib Dem chief secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander, told BBC News that losing the AAA rating was not a devastating blow.
The UK's Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander, called the decision "disappointing" and said the matter would go to an international court.
The last of the trio is Andrew Smith, promoted from junior employment minister to Mr Milburn's old job, chief secretary to the Treasury.
Last month, the chief secretary to the Treasury said the government would not be able to cancel the debt in the short term.