Chief Superintendent Mike Rowe said a "significant" number of Jamaican criminals are dealing on the streets.
Chief Superintendent William Ilsley, who supervised the case, "tended to disconnect from responsibility for the investigation".
Chief Superintendent Gerry Toms from South Wales Police condemned the "neanderthal" behaviour of so-called City fans.
Chief Superintendent Drew Harris said he was satisfied with the way things had gone.
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Chief Superintendent Harry Breen and Superintendent Bob Buchanan were shot dead in 1989 in south Armagh.
The attack "was definitely in the planning stage but not imminent, " RCMP chief superintendent Jennifer Strachan said Monday.
"Whatever the circumstances, an individual from somebody's family has died today, " Chief Superintendent Grimshaw told a press conference.
After joining the force as a 16-year-old cadet, she rapidly worked her way up to become detective chief superintendent.
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Detective Chief Superintendent Norman Baxter said a significant quantity of an accelerant, petrol, had been found inside the property.
Meanwhile, PSA president, Chief Superintendent Kevin Morris, has attacked performance indicators as "collecting statistics for the sake of statistics".
"The chief superintendent put out an order that nobody else was to go in the water, " said Mr Burnell.
Chief Superintendent Alan McCrum said how it had been handled had been "proportionate".
It could have caused "death and massive destruction" had it gone off, Chief Superintendent Alasdair Robinson told reporters in Ardmore.
The chief superintendent storms up the stairs to confront our old lady.
Chief Superintendent Nigel Grimshaw said that both victims were known to police.
The review author, Detective Chief Superintendent Roderick Barker, was also accused of being "inaccurate, insensitive and thoughtless" in his comments about the Lawrences.
The alleged attack was "definitely in the planning stage but not imminent", Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Chief Superintendent Jennifer Strachan said on Monday.
Detective Chief Superintendent William Ilsley, the officer who supervised the murder investigation, was given at one point a list of suspects by Mrs Lawrence.
Detective Chief Superintendent Max McLean, the senior investigating officer in charge of the UK's biggest criminal investigation, said Bradford now needed to move forward.
The officer who led the South Wales Police inquiry, Detective Chief Superintendent Wynne Phillips, said the case showed the importance of sticking with an investigation.
Chief Superintendent Bob Evans, the event commander from South Wales Police, said officers were ready for the challenge of hosting the two matches this weekend.
It was set up to examine allegations of Garda collusion in the murder of RUC Chief Superintendent Harry Breen and Superintendent Bob Buchanan in 1989.
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Chief Superintendent Duckenfield for example, who initially lied by suggesting drunken fans had created the crush, escaped disciplinary measures by resigning on a full pension.
Chief Superintendent Nigel Grimshaw said he could not "comment on disciplinary sanctions to individual officers" but said the PSNI has "learned many lessons from this investigation".
Derry's chief constable RUC Chief Superintendent Frank Lagan's believed if the march was stopped there would be violence and it would lead to other similar demonstrations.
Chief Superintendent Steve Johnson said people were still using bridges as vantage points, which was risking not only their lives but those of the emergency services.
That led to a clear victory for Mr Hurley, a former detective chief superintendent in the Metropolitan Police, who describes his policing methods as "no nonsense".
The suspects watched "trains and railways in the greater Toronto area" and intended to derail a passenger train, said Royal Canadian Mounted Police Chief Superintendent Jennifer Strachan.
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Chief Superintendent David O'Connor from the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents also echoed this concern and asked whether the members of the board should be full time posts.
Assistant Chief Constable Sam Kinkaid, who is overseeing the investigation, received the OBE, while Detective Chief Superintendent Norman Baxter, who oversees the day-to-day inquiries, received the Queen's Police Medal.