The limit on benefits would apply to the total received from jobseekers' allowance, income support, employment support allowance, housing benefit, council tax benefit, child benefit and child tax credit.
As with the 10% tax rate, Mr Brown may announce next week how he intends to tax child benefit.
At 4.30pm the Work and Pensions Committee quizzes the final witnesses in its inquiry on Universal Credit, the new social security benefit which replaces Jobseeker's Allowance, Income Support, Child Tax Credits, Housing Benefit and other working-age benefits with one single payment.
In contrast working families have potentially lost tax credit, child benefit, pay rises and much more besides.
It actually does a fair amount for the middle class, extending the Bush tax cuts and child tax credits and exemptions that benefit the middle class.
The legal changes necessary to bring in the new tax charge on child benefit - a policy announced by the coalition in 2010 and confirmed in this year's Budget - are contained in the current Finance Bill which is currently being considered by Parliament.
This included child benefit, working families tax credit and income support, depending on their circumstances, it said.
And recognising that as the tax credit system became more developed and more generous, we were better able to target resources on low-income households, we increased the Working Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit as well as Child Benefit.
Reacting to yesterday's announcements, Ed Balls told the Today programme's Justin Webb that measures in this Budget have to be taken alongside new measures announced in previous budgets that are being introduced in April such as a freeze on tax credit and taking away child benefit.
This will be paid to people both in and out of work, replacing child tax credit, working tax credit, housing benefit and income support, among others.
In the Budget, Mr Osborne announced an increase of VAT up to 20%, the freezing of child benefit and a rise in personal income tax allowance.
Universal credit - being introduced by Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith this year - aims to simplify the welfare system by replacing a number of existing working-age benefits, including the income-based jobseeker's allowance, income-related employment support allowance, housing benefit, working tax credit, child tax credit and income support.
They can then choose either to stop receiving the benefit, or choose to continue to receive child benefit with the money clawed back via the tax system.
BBC: Child benefit cuts: Millions of letters to be sent 'soon'
Low-to-middle-income families will benefit from higher payments for children under the child tax credit.
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There were three further divisions on Budget measures which the government also won, including those on child benefit changes for the higher paid and on income tax changes.
Twelve million families with twenty-four million children will benefit from extensions of the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit.
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Twelve million families with 24 million children will benefit from extensions of the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit.
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Overall benefit eligibility will be capped and all claims will be means-tested, taking away the child benefit from families with higher incomes and replacing it with a child tax credit that is targeted to lower incomes.
At present, for example, all families with dependent children receive child benefit, and some quite well-off ones also get extra help through the child-tax credit, which is mainly for poorer families.
There has been some reshuffling between households: the increase in child benefit announced in last year's budget was paid for by a cut in the married couples' tax allowance.