"Ultimately, it came down to the Bible's overarching themes of love and compassion and my belief that we are all children of God, " the senator wrote.
BBC: US Republican Senator Rob Portman favours gay unions
It's a wonderful thing to hear people stand here at a microphone and talk about their commitment to the children of God and to go to areas that are in need of service.
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Christopher Owens, one of the co-leaders of the operation, was a talented songwriter and a made-to-order rock star: he had been raised in the Children of God cult, whose refusal to accept modern medicine contributed to the death of his brother, and he had spent his teens struggling with drug addiction.
NEWYORKER: Love and Its Discontents
And the President described the monument as a reminder that King's dream of "a land in which all of God's children might come together in a spirit of brotherhood" still beckons.
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It can remind us that each of us are children of a awesome and loving God.
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When one of God's children dies before his or her purpose is fulfilled we all grieve the loss, either immediately like we see with parents or loved ones or later when there is a piece of our individual selves that is missing due to that baby not being in the world.
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The Catholic Church is never going to view marriage except from the perspective of a sacrament, an unbreakable bond between one man and one woman, open to the God-given gift of children.
BBC: Viewpoints: Successes and failures of Benedict XVI
The Reverend evoked a harsh God, who turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt, and condemned the Children of Israel, who gave their golden earrings to Aaron to fashion Baal, the false god.
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If one of my children were to have an accident the only thing I can do is ask God for help.
BBC: News, River Caguan, Colombia