• In Urena, Venezuela, people cross the bridge by the thousands, on foot and on rickety motorcycles, past vendors selling chilled juice and listening to radios.

    NPR: Cocaine Finds a New Latin American Home

  • In Mr. Cole's final Slow Food Fast recipe, tender, tiny bay scallops, diced honeydew, cucumber slices and bits of cipolline onion are served in a pool of chilled melon juice spiked with serrano chili.

    WSJ: Tyson Cole's Bay Scallop Crudo With Honeydew

  • This retro drink-o-matic device, which can store up to ten cans of soda, juice and even beer, features sealed refrigeration technology to keep those beverages chilled and ready to serve.

    FORBES: Affordable Luxuries: Dorm Rooms

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