Furthermore, locating the factories in China's hinterland puts them in a better position to service China's growing domestic consumermarket instead of exporting to consumers in the U.S. and elsewhere.
As for the WTO itself, bringing China in would not only open up what is potentially the world's biggest consumermarket, but it would also ensure that China does not stand aloof from the trading rules that govern commerce in the globalized new century.
Thus, even if Venus never makes a big impact on China's Internet market, simply embedding Windows CE in millions of Chinese consumer products will create momentum that can only help the marketing of Windows CE elsewhere.
In 2006, McKinsey predicted that the by 2025, the Chinese middle class would reach 612 million and China would become the third largest consumermarket in the world after the U.S. and Japan.
Earlier this month, RIM said it was preparing to launch an applications store and consumer Internet services in China as part of its push into the world's top mobile market.