China's increasingly prickly relations with Australia were intensified in May when Mr Rudd unveiled a defence whitepaper suggesting that China was now Australia's biggest strategic threat.
The whitepaper adds no new conditions to existing ones for the possible use of force against Taiwan, and much of the whitepaper concentrates on China's military backwardness.
The Australian Defense WhitePaper properly recognizes the threat posed by China to Australia's national security and also highlights the adverse impact it could have on U.S. naval and Marine forces in the Western Pacific.
Thursday's People's Daily says China has opened up markets in manufacturing, agriculture and service industries, citing a WhitePaper released by the State Council.
The whitepaper also ignores unending attempts by the American military to forge closer relations with China and to be as transparent as possible about U.S. defense capabilities, relationships and operations.
On a recent visit to Australia, Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus downplayed the threat posed by China's rapid modernization of its military forces, highlighted in Australia's 2009 Defense WhitePaper.