Thus what you will have will be a strange alternate international banking system with Chinese characteristics.
Kentucky Fried Chicken positioned itself in China as a Western brand with Chinese characteristics.
"Socialism with Chinese characteristics"--Deng's famous phrase--may mean many things, but it is, above all, socialism.
Slogans such as "the scientific mode of development, " "socialism with Chinese characteristics, " and "harmonious society" often cannot be explained by the average Chinese citizen.
Baidu has learned how to provide the internet with Chinese characteristics.
Deng's stress on building "socialism with Chinese characteristics, " which permits private businesses to co-exist with the public sector, is to be the vanguard for China's economic development.
Will China's internet continue to have distinctively Chinese characteristics?
Or maybe China Bears will learn that most Western observers of China consistently underestimate the resilience and longevity of the government and this very hard-to-model, very messy creation officially known in China as Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.
Leveraging on the vast Chinese computing technologies and educational content expertise we have mustered over the decades, we have developed a beautiful, ultra-slim, ultralight Chinese tablet with Chinese characteristics and unprecedented performance based on the ZMS-40 and Android 4.0 with our very own Chinese platform.
Venus boxes will supposedly allow the majority of TV owners to leapfrog that stage and enter the information superhighway almost immediately. (The devices, developed at Microsoft's Beijing lab, are expected to be ready by the end of the year.) This, say Venus boosters, is a modern device with Chinese characteristics.
As the last resident of that grand old house said "Hong Kong is a Chinese city with British characteristics".
Besides education, Chinese parents also have a few other characteristics that appear to set them apart from their foreign peers.
These statements on the characteristics of the RMA demonstrate a strong conviction among some Chinese military analysts that information technologies will be the critical foundation for success in future wars.
While all countries experience leadership changes that can be described as generational in one sense or another, modern Chinese history has been so eventful as to have created generations that, as a group, share distinct characteristics and are markedly different from their forebearers in their historical, educational and career experiences.