Xie Feng of the Chinese Embassy cast Monday's development as part of an era of increased U.S.-Chinese cooperation.
The Mansour Hotel houses the Chinese embassy and several western organizations.
He pointed to a Wednesday article in El Pais, a Spanish newspaper, that quoted a Chinese Embassy spokesman in Spain as saying "we don't interpret this gesture as offensive" or racist.
To operate in China, the Council itself must provide documents from America's State Department, the Chinese Embassy in America, the cities of Washington and Shanghai, the local tax authorities and the local branch of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.
The embassy in Tokyo and the Chinese consulate in Niigata are sending buses to Miyagi, Fukushima, Ibaraki and Iwate prefectures to pick up Chinese nationals, according to the Embassy.
Attempts by CNN to contact the Chinese government in Beijing, and its American embassy and consulate offices were unsuccessful.
"We're not going to let him walk out of the embassy with just a handshake from the Chinese government, " she said.
From the Beijing airport he was whisked to the Chinese national agricultural exhibition pavilion, then to the Japanese embassy where he spoke to local Japanese residents.
FORBES: Japan-China Relations--PM Noda's 21 Hours in Beijing
The state-run Chinese news agency Xinhua quoted sources in China's embassy confirming the men were from China's southern province of Fujian who were in Iraq to help rebuild an Iraqi plant.
The state-run Chinese news agency Xinhua quoted sources in China's embassy confirming the men were construction workers from China's southern province of Fujian who were in Iraq to help rebuild an Iraqi plant.
In fact some 160, 000 Chinese studied in the US in 2011, according to US embassy officials.
Mr. Hague said that more than a week after he was informed of the case and instructed officials to seek a probe, on Feb. 15, the deputy head of mission of the British Embassy in Beijing met officials from the consular department of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to convey the message.
An official at China's embassy in Baghdad said her government "presumes" the men are Chinese but could not immediately confirm it.
China's public security ministry reportedly received word from China's embassy in Venezuela in 2011 of dozens of cases of robbery, kidnapping and extortion targeting Chinese citizens.
The U.S. Embassy in Beijing publishes AQI values for Beijing and other cities in China, and the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection provides its own air quality data for cities throughout the country.