She counsels women who are considering abortion and provides help, resources, and support for women who choose life.
Edwina Hart announced on Wednesday that Wales' national suicide strategy was being accelerated and would follow the Choose Life example.
Obama joined with Forum participants and Peace Corps members to volunteer at Nanga Vhuthilo (Choose Life), a home and community-based support program in Soweto for children and families in need.
She said the Scottish campaign Choose Life has been in place for at least four years "so we do feel Wales is lagging behind Scotland, Ireland, England and other countries across the world".
Dr Peter Hargreaves, a consultant in palliative medicine, Dr David Hill, fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetists of the Royal College of Surgeons, Dr Elizabeth Negus, a lecturer at Barking University, and Dowager Lady Salisbury, chairman of Choose Life, were the other signatories.
In my financial planning practice, clients choose various life qualities they cannot do without.
It is so important for each of you to realize that every day you, and you alone, have the power to choose the life you want for yourself.
David tried to imagine how it would feel to sleep and wake when you wanted to, to choose your life without thinking of anybody else, not to be broken into the hard frame of adult necessity.
Mr Fisher argues that, as a measure of damage, slaves' lost wages are only a bare minimum, since they do not reflect the higher price a person would require freely to choose a life of bondage.
As for the individuals who choose the life of a regulator, it would be fun to hear the authors explain how those with such low ambition might credibly oversee some of the brightest financial minds in the world.
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As it was for me and the country a decade ago, we can choose to embrace life and bask in its warmth, or pull apart and fragment.
The five year increment is key, she says, because a job you choose when considering life with a newborn may not be as ideal when your child hits kindergarten.
Walmart has saved them money, and in pursuit of a better life they choose to invest that money in gourmet pastries.
You would, of course, have to wish a lot for a long life to choose to starve yourself to achieve it.
In France, people can follow whatever way of life they choose in private, within reason, but the state will not sponsor them doing so.
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Unless you choose deliberately not to live life to the full, you will want to try these sports.
Each of them was asked to explain Mitt Romney's position - at first for a woman's right to choose, now pro-life.
And, some women do not have a significant other until much later in life if they choose to have one at all.
Unless we start giving opportunities and choice to inner city teenagers their worlds are going to remain narrow and they're more likely to choose the wrong paths in life.
This sounds harsh, but risk is everywhere in life, and we choose daily to bear it or pay to shift it.
Also, Life tech did not choose to de-emphasize sales of their SOLID, they had just singned a massive agreement with Hitachi, to which they promised a certain build volume.
As is true of many diasporas these days, amenities and technology allow the French to continue living a French life if they so choose, and not only because Paris is little more than two hours away by train.
Regardless of whether people fill out Polst forms or advance directives, or both, a coalition of health-care groups says it is important for people to make some decisions about end of life wishes and to choose a surrogate who understands their wishes to step in if necessary.
Then later the aftermath flares up again in your life, but you still choose to suppress it, sweep it under the rug.
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The 1960s saw a huge breakthrough in terms of freedom of expression, of lifestyle, of the individual's right to live their own personal life in the way they choose.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Full text: Blair on law and order
The "Downton" characters bear witness to many innovations of the day: the telephone, women's suffrage, the cocktail party, the toaster and the idea that one can choose one's own path in life, regardless of birth.
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Sept. 11 was a test that forced me to choose what was important to me in my life.