Unless you choose deliberately not to live life to the full, you will want to try these sports.
David tried to imagine how it would feel to sleep and wake when you wanted to, to choose your life without thinking of anybody else, not to be broken into the hard frame of adult necessity.
Also, Life tech did not choose to de-emphasize sales of their SOLID, they had just singned a massive agreement with Hitachi, to which they promised a certain build volume.
Mr Fisher argues that, as a measure of damage, slaves' lost wages are only a bare minimum, since they do not reflect the higher price a person would require freely to choose a life of bondage.
And, some women do not have a significant other until much later in life if they choose to have one at all.
As is true of many diasporas these days, amenities and technology allow the French to continue living a French life if they so choose, and not only because Paris is little more than two hours away by train.
Whether we choose to recognize it or not, today as in 1863, the very "life of the nation" hangs in the balance if we fail to defeat the coming nexus of weapons of mass destruction in the hands of Islamofascists.
Also (b) if we look at it from an economic viewpoint (as we do of most things, these days) then there is no financial sense in prolonging, e.g. my life, if I become seriously ill and incapacitated and I choose not to want to burden anyone.
Not many directors, perhaps, would choose to film in the Kurdish encampments of northern Iraq, where life has been a mix of the ramshackle, the uncertain, and the downright lethal.
Facebook has become a part of everyday life, to the point where it is viewed with suspicion if you choose to not take part in the network.
FORBES: The Nonexistent Facebook Democracy Is Now Gone for Good
If there's a senior citizen somewhere who can't pay for their prescription and has to choose between medicine and the rent, that makes my life poorer, even if it's not my grandparent.
The whole reason that we embrace the ethical principle of the right to choose is that it goes some way to ensuring that a woman's biology does not come to define her life in a way that would never happen to men.