Today, more people are discussing God's chosen people Moses and Abraham in one day than ever before.
Theologically, he believes that the true "Chosen People" are the blacks.
Ms. KAREN GRIGSBY BATES (Author, Chosen People): Thanks, Farai.
The novel alludes to the hopes for redemption in the stories of the Jewish tradition: the journey into the promised land, the coming of the Messiah, the renewal of the covenant between God and his chosen people.
Thus primitive communism is the Garden of Eden, the emergence of private property and the class system is the fall, the final gasps of capitalism are the last days, the proletariat are the chosen people and the socialist revolution is the second coming and the New Jerusalem.
Instead, the memo says, all questions should be directed to specially chosen point people in the department.
The supreme leader is in fact chosen by the people, in the shape of the popularly elected Assembly of Experts, just as the American president is chosen by the popularly elected Electoral College.
The 12 people chosen for the ritual would always be priests to represent Christ's 12 apostles.
They're not going to give it to just anyone who has been chosen by the people.
BBC: NEWS | Middle East | Iraq election log: 31 January 2005
Out of the millions of living artists worldwide, Costco has so far chosen precisely two people.
FORBES: Costco Is Now Selling Matisse. Why Not Take On Gagosian Gallery?
In this hemisphere, every government but one is freely chosen by its people.
Both men have been chosen by their people to lead them at this time therefore they are the leaders with whom negotiations must occur and between whom negotiations must occur and we have to proceed on that basis.
And then he was chosen to lead the people along with Joey the second banana.
It leaves it to the Hong Kong to decide how those 800 people are chosen.
Traditionally such people have chosen apartments, but a growing share are now renting single-family houses.
The clergy and lay people were chosen to represent his flock and pledge obedience to the pontiff.
"It is no good insulting a political party that people have chosen to vote for, " the prime minister said.
Local historian John Harrison said the site chosen would surprise many people.
His government was chosen by the Iraqi people through free elections in which nearly 12 million people defied terrorists to cast their ballots.
The defense official said the department had chosen not to notify people named in the documents because it doesn't know if WikiLeaks will redact the names.
"Some people have chosen to live in Jersey City because of its proximity to New York, " said Steven Fulop, a Jersey City councilman and mayoral candidate.
The design, which has been registered by the Flag Institute, was chosen by thousands of people who took part in an online vote on the BBC website.
There is a danger to the Nation in deposing a political leader chosen directly by the people and we must be wary of the instability it would bring to our political system.
The heartbreaking and dangerous path which a handful of very young people have chosen or been forced into makes our policy of aiding those who decide to desert from armed terrorist groups all the more urgent.