Their bravery gave Christendom time both to regroup, and to realize the gravity of the threat.
They transformed what had been for a thousand years the largest cathedral in Christendom, Constantinople's magnificent St.
Because a man I do not trust could not get money from me on all the bonds in Christendom.
His harsh experiences convince him that he must resist the subjugation by Christendom of the new civilisation that he has discovered.
Christendom was the developing world of the day, spilling into Islam the economic migrants of the people's crusade and the children's crusade.
Both Iran and its Hamas proxy in Gaza have been busy this Christmas week showing Christendom just what they think of it.
Mostly, they do not care much for politics, and do not identify personally with a vast Muslim ummah all that much more than most Christians identify with Christendom.
The Lithuanian Jagiellonian dynasty held the largest realm in Christendom.
The rain falling lustily was complemented by the cool breeze caused by mullets flapping as every closet air guitarist in Christendom crowded the front row for the appearance of Gary Moore .
In 1402, he turned on, and defeated, the Ottoman Turks, thus giving Christendom a breathing-space after the crushing defeats inflicted on it by the Ottomans at Kosovo in 1389 and Nicopolis seven years later.
Without the background of Zengid politics or Islamic schisms, and without the context of the conflicts of Christendom, it is impossible for the reader to make real sense of Saladin, or a real king of Richard.
In 1962, the Italian director Pier Paolo Pasolini, whose first films were latter-day variants on neo-realism, took a flying leap into hectic modernity with this short, apocalyptic screed against the habits of professional filmmaking and the un-Christian coldness of contemporary Christendom.