It was Christmas Eve, and the entire village had turned out to watch the hunters depart.
On Christmas Eve, we scrambled to record at several spots where events were to take place.
Dooley became manager at Hillsborough in 1971 before being sacked on Christmas Eve 1973.
Bothinaa Mohammed and her three children were sleeping soundly the morning of Christmas Eve.
The feast would follow three Christmas Masses in the convent chapel starting at midnight Christmas Eve.
One carol service was held on Christmas Eve at the British army base of Lashkar Gar.
As I said, these performances were not simply rhetorical jabs at the Christmas Eve Order.
Now, every year the Hahns spend Christmas Eve alone at home and Christmas Day with relatives.
Last Christmas Eve Michael Harding's wife Gretchen was in bed with the stomach flu.
Unveiled on Christmas Eve 1895, after six years of construction, Biltmore Estate today remains imaginatively compelling.
WSJ: Biltmore Estate | King of the Castles | Masterpiece by Julia M. Klein
Also last week, Next reported a 3.9% rise in sales from 1 November to Christmas Eve.
Instead of enjoying family time, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban spent Christmas Eve online.
We cook something special but easy Christmas Eve, and whoever stops over stops over.
FORBES: Do Yourself A Favor And "Voucherize" The Christmas Thing
He wants help to find Tessa the Beagle, who has been missing since Christmas Eve.
You would write a letter to Santa asking him to bring your favorite things on Christmas Eve.
Even better, in-stock purchases you make on this day are guaranteed to arrive by Christmas Eve.
FORBES: 7 Tips For Avoiding Shipping Costs When Shopping Online
But it was obvious that people would be suspicious if we put something up on Christmas Eve.
Worshippers in the Church's 16, 000 parishes are being encouraged to tweet on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
It is in addition to the ScotRail strikes scheduled for the following day and for Christmas Eve.
It returns for a third series, starting with two Christmas specials on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day.
It's the same reason you watched the NFL on Christmas Eve and the NBA on Christmas Day: money.
WSJ: Gabriele Marcotti: European Soccer's Christmas Vacation
The legend goes it was sung by the angels on Christmas Eve and written down by a monk.
During our first Christmas we strung blinking lights around our win-dows, and on Christmas Eve, Mr. and Mrs.
On Christmas Eve Kent Police reported a body had been found in the sea off the Dover coast.
BBC: Missing pub landlord Malcolm Levesconte's inquest opened
The dispute has seen signallers in the Stirling area take strike action on several occasions, including Christmas Eve.
BBC: RMT union consults over escalating Network Rail dispute
Walsh had been drinking when she turned up at Maire Rankin's door that Christmas Eve night in 2008.
Marks received the news from her father on Christmas Eve and wrote the poem, addressed to Ruth, that evening.
Managing Director Steve Banaghan said the company had offered additional payments for working Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Nottinghamshire | Union plans festive rail strike
The Christmas Eve 1806 protest led to a riot in which dozens were injured and a policeman was killed.
Perhaps I succeeded, for on Christmas Eve I found myself unexpectedly expecting again.