Use of UTC data allows images to be chronologically mapped and trails plotted and recorded.
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Using its proprietary analysis, IBM tracks the spread of trends geographically, chronologically and now culturally.
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With a simple click of the mouse, viewers can follow each character's adventures chronologically.
Perhaps, but geographically lumpy and chronologically lumpy and, given recent events, not centered in the United States.
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Chronologically, Apple is long in the tooth at the top of the heap.
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One of the first hurdles was reordering scenes so that they unfold chronologically.
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Though the works in the collection are arranged chronologically, themes emerge throughout -- notably the importance of the environment.
Arranged chronologically, the show highlights the remarkable variety within this single theme.
There is one big room which seems to go chronologically through events.
The Muslim connection is thus chronologically later than those of its predecessors.
The exhibit is structured chronologically, and the progression of Aoyama's work away from traditional cursive calligraphy toward less constrained, freer expression is clear.
Some of things that would tell you, no matter how old the child is chronologically, to tell you what's going on in the brain.
The writings are grouped geographically, by river section, rather than chronologically.
The founder and CEO of TweetDeck has been known to rearrange his entire DVD collection chronologically, then take each annual section and arrange it alphabetically too.
Using mainframe computers and low-wage workers in Korea, he rekeyboarded the contents of 70 years of Readers Guides and reorganized the material alphabetically rather than chronologically.
The lineup of classic cars is now ordered chronologically, starting with an 1895 Roper Steam carriage and Henry Ford's Quadricycle, the 1896 forerunner of the Model T.
Chronologically, the movie stretches through the Second World War and beyond, although history is not so much confronted as glimpsed in doorways or overheard in the dark.
Organized both chronologically and thematically, the exhibition begins with a Donatello "speaking reliquary" (c. 1425): a gilded bronze bust designed to house a skull fragment of St.
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It has a very simple structure: chronologically, Pickover walks through some of the most famous eponymous scientific laws, touches on their historical background and describes how the laws themselves work.
He proceeds more or less chronologically, following Amis from his suburban London childhood to Oxford, a series of academic posts in Britain and America, and then back to London again.
There are letters received as well as letters sent in this collection edited by Barry Day, the self-appointed scholar of Coward's life and work, and they are grouped thematically rather than chronologically.
Another way to look at this is chronologically.
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To minimise the risk of including random concatenations of words, rare spellings or mistakes, any word or expression had to appear in the corpus at least 40 times to merit inclusion in the final, chronologically ordered set.
While most international curators often arrange their collections according to style, artist, medium or location, the collection of art in the Vasari corridor is unique in that it hangs chronologically, often in the same spot where various members of the Medici family had originally displayed it.
She plays Rita Skeeter, a nitwit journalist who gets everything wrong. (That's the only false note.) Daniel Radcliffe has grown in the title role, not just chronologically, while Rupert Grint, as Ron Weasley, and Emma Watson as Hermione, are spunkier and funnier than ever.
In the early exhibitions there was no attempt to display paintings chronologically or even geographically, but with the growth of art history in Germany this gradually became more common, as did the idea of panoramic displays of the work of a single artist, which by 1900 had become a standard way of commemorating their anniversaries.
Fully titled "There Ain't No Sweet Man That's Worth the Salt of My Tears, " the track uses the classic disc (also 1928) by Paul Whiteman's Orchestra with Bix Beiderbecke and Bing Crosby as a starting point, with an unmistakably similar two-beat underpinning, a slow grind that makes it impossible to pin it down either rhythmically or chronologically.