Then you get the bill including the taxes, and you feel like a chump.
Even as he plays the chump in these Apple spots, his humor and likeability are evident.
It seems that in the land of artifice, only a chump would accept sorrow at face value.
And you could travel and stay in the Copacabana Palace for chump change in Rio de Janeiro.
Now Peter many be a fairly wealthy fella, but I doubt he considers a million dollars chump change.
On the other hand, it makes no difference to the emir of Qatar because it's chump change to him.
Although federal courts later ruled that Morris' underreserving was sincerely stupid and not fraudulent, he looked like a chump.
Mark Hulbert of the Hulbert Financial Digest has always said that in the long run market timing is a chump's game.
David McDowell, from Lockerbie in Scotland, has written in a couple of times to suggest I'm a bit of a chump.
But the conflicts of interest affecting Wall Street investment research run far deeper than the chump change a few self-dealing analysts pocket.
That is not chump change so the ability to carry its own traffic on a captive network would be important going forward.
Not chump change for sure, but way, way less than what one would expect the bride of a billionaire to to spend.
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Now looking back 28 very productive years past my brush with death, that was chump change compared to my earnings and contributions to society since then.
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At the same time, it is also now evident that Microsoft's competitors, no less devious, predatory, and monopolistic themselves, played the Justice Department for a chump.
The entire goal was to make it as convenient and painless as possible for you to gladly hand over your chump change in return for some temporary reward.
Fact is, even if they lose a billion dollars over the next 10 years on F1, it is chump change compared to the money they stand to make through their real estate sales.
While poles may seem like a particularly unproductive way to spend billions of dollars, they are chump change economically speaking, given the sudden surge in infrastructure investment in response to the decades of historical under-investment.
Easy access to discount shopping is so commonplace in the US that sometimes if you walk into a department store and buy something at full retail you feel like chump, knowing it will soon be on sale.
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For someone who has been building up a pool of savings for a lifetime, the cost of extraordinarily low interest rates can make some of the proposed changes in the federal tax code look like chump change.
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At some prestigious institutions like the Universities of Virginia or Michigan, state government funds make up roughly 10 percent or so of the budget not chump change, but far less of a factor in financing the enterprise than a generation or more ago when the proportion was 20 or even 30 percent.