Just as happily, debates over the death of tonality and other churlish ideological battles have subsided.
So are churlish fans: last week Spanish ones hurled racist insults at black English soccer-players.
It would be hard to turn against the conqueror of Baghdad without looking churlish.
It seems unnecessarily churlish to focus on the uselessness of the British monarchy during a royal wedding.
It seems almost churlish to question the outlook for emerging markets after the great strides they have made.
The Republicans won't play along, and he will presumably portray them as churlish bad losers who won't accept the people's verdict.
Churlish as it may be to criticise those who set out to do good, many charities behave as if they were unaccountable.
Or so churlish as to ask follow-up questions in such a forum?
Having said that, it is churlish, not to say obtuse, to deny that many corrective actions were taken after September 11, 2001, with salutary effect.
It would be churlish to suggest Vogts should have done better.
So it might seem churlish to question Mr Persson's ambitious plans.
At least in part, the gripes against the Gates Foundation are the churlish growls of a jealous crowd of bureaucrats and labourers at less influential charities.
To fault the Wattis for shortchanging this project with too arty an agenda can seem churlish, especially when no other institution has funded something of this magnitude.
Indeed, it would not be too churlish to ask why--other than being a nice guy and a good-looking celebrity with a historically resonant heritage--Kennedy deserved such an outpouring.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | To Our Readers: A Legacy of Public Service
Yet it would be churlish to dismiss the partnership outright.
When this was criticised as churlish, the state's House of Representatives adopted an amendment which, if passed, would let the money be taken from state-capitol improvement funds next year.
While it may seem churlish to pass judgment so early (Win Me is still in final development stages) the glitch is reminiscent of one I also had with Win 95.
It would be churlish though, to overlook the obvious: for the first time in a generation, Afghans of all stripes saw their interests better served in backing Kabul than in undermining it.
Even a genuine belief among the Lib Dems that they deserve to have been offered a greater role did not save Lord Tope from appearing churlish in his refusal to take it for want of something better.
Although not everybody's cup of tea (on a bad day, the service can be as churlish as any greasy-spoon in Barnsley, circa 1972), its products and style are said to be enjoyed by Anglophile masochists such as Quentin Tarantino.
It might seem churlish to single out Barclays for this criticism, especially since I know that virtually all the other major banking institutions involved in money-laundering, LIBOR manipulation and all the other unethical and illegal activity over the past five years, have similar codes or principles of best practice in place and claim to link them to remuneration.
FORBES: Is Barclays Going To Put Its Money Where Its Mouth Is On Performance Incentives?