The report gave the full name of the alleged CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) chief of station in Moscow.
It is understood the Federal Bureau of Intelligence (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Office of Naval Intelligence all had dossiers on Oswald prior to the shooting following his defection from Russia to America in 1961.
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Department of Energy (DOE), the National Security Agency (NSA), the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and all the military intelligence components agreed with this assessment.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Doug Feith and pre-war intelligence
First, though, Saddam faces weeks if not months of interrogation by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Lopez began her career as an operations officer with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
In the US, the group was credited with attacking the website of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
He's given a tour by director Peter Earnest, himself a veteran of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
They accuse Mr Kissinger of being involved in what they say was a US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plot to kill him.
The act also established the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which grew out of World War II era Office of Strategic Services and small post-war intelligence organizations.
The American, a contractor who worked for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), had faced trial for killing two robbers on a busy street in Lahore late in January.
ECONOMIST: America and Pakistan agree to settle their spy dispute
In conjunction with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), these agencies are using the month of April to focus on how Green Initiatives can be implemented in the workplace.
This week the New York Times reported that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had once hired Blackwater, a private-security contractor, in connection with a plots to assassinate al-Qaeda operatives.
It also blamed some of the problems at Abu Ghraib on "the interrogation practices of other government agencies" - a term used by the Pentagon for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
In the past eight years drone strikes by America's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have killed more than 2, 400 people in Pakistan, including 479 civilians, according to the Bureau for Investigative Journalism in London.
In an effort to foil the attacks, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has ramped up missile strikes from unmanned drones against militants in the Pakistani tribal regions, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing security officials.
All executive directives, orders, and regulations inconsistent with this order, including but not limited to those issued to or by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from September 11, 2001, to January 20, 2009, concerning detention or the interrogation of detained individuals, are revoked to the extent of their inconsistency with this order.
WHITEHOUSE: Executive Order 13491 -- Ensuring Lawful Interrogations
While the Pentagon has backed Mr Chalabi, and air-lifted him into southern Iraq, both the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have severe doubts about the exile (who left Iraq in 1958 at the age of 13), even though he helped lead an aborted CIA-sponsored plot to overthrow Saddam in the mid-1990s.
The Committee found that this process - the policymakers probing questions - actually improve the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) products.
This effort infuriated the Central Intelligence Agency because it questioned whether the CIA and the rest of the U.S. intelligence community were being blinded in their assessment of ties between Saddam Hussein's Iraq and al Qaeda due to a working assumption that secular Baathists and Islamofascist terrorists would not cooperate against their common foe: us.
In 1981, Reagan appointed Casey as Central Intelligence Agency chief, and he became the first CIA director to be granted Cabinet-level status, unfettered access to the president and a huge say in the actual conduct of foreign policy.
Ms. Kelley's apparent regret points to one of the more unusual aspects of the case: what began as a seemingly minor case of cyberstalking mushroomed into fears that the Central Intelligence Agency director's personal email account had been hacked, which spawned concerns the CIA director might have passed sensitive information to his mistress.
WSJ: Obama Holds Up Top General John Allen's Nomination for NATO Post