The piece weighs just under two tons and has a circumference of 62 feet.
Additionally, Dr. Michos points out, measuring waist circumference may provide a more vivid indication of weight-loss progress.
The New York fire department is basically in control and then the volunteers work the circumference of ground zero.
The 360 degree screen, measuring 60m (197ft) in circumference, will be visible for miles around the tower in Fitzrovia.
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It's as a philosopher once imagined: a circle of which the center is everywhere and the circumference is nowhere.
Before the Tevatron closed, the experiments there sent beams of particles whizzing around a four-mile circumference in opposite directions.
The resulting oil slick now has a circumference of about 600 miles (970km) and covers about 28, 600 sq miles (74, 100 sq km).
Bike trails run around the circumference of the island, and cycles are available for hire by the day or hour.
The horizon is a circumference, not a straight line, and the land below unrelentingly flat, divided only by orchards lined up like military regiments.
The monster squash weighed in at 1, 504lb (682kg), about 200lb (90kg) short of the world record, and has a circumference of about 17ft (5.18m).
However the study, which has been published in Obesity Research, found a wider hip circumference was not linked with better heart health in men.
But the watchdog is expressing concerns about the protocols for those outside of that circumference: The lack of public awareness there may create mass confusion.
Hollywood used to have a set of numbers -- waist circumference, face shape, beard length -- that Santas were supposed to adhere to, Kliner said.
The area was once enclosed by a city wall that was 10m high and five kilometres in circumference, built in 1555 and torn down in 1911.
Columbus was a great navigator in his day, although he believed the Earth's circumference to be much smaller and Asia much larger than they actually are.
By the time passengers step off at the last stop, chances are that their train will have clanked and jolted its way round a fifth of the circumference of planet Earth.
Things were quiet until after midnight, when a crackling sound started, followed by the wailing voice of a woman that appeared to move around the circumference of the ring.
It uses three inflatable disc made of segmented lightweight gas ballonet materials which are contained within a ring mesh assembly which is attached to a larger expandable circumference ring.
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Conversely, if a tape measure reveals a decrease in waist circumference, you can see the benefit and know you're improving your health, which can also motivate you to continue an exercise and diet plan.
Visitors to that site know the cyclorama by the French artist Paul Philippoteaux, a massive work that measures 27 feet high and 359 feet in circumference and currently hangs in the new visitor's center near the battlefield.
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The circumference of your waist and most importantly, your body mass index are dead giveaways when it comes to knowing the amount of body fat you have, and the health risks you might run into because of it.
Unfortunately, the earth's circumference at the equator is almost 25, 000 miles, so when we try to model the entire earth, and go up into the mesosphere (about 25 to 50 miles above the earth) the picture gets fuzzier.
The chief librarians of ancient Alexandria included Eratosthenes (of Byzantium), who determined that the earth was round and measured its circumference, Callimachus, whose catalogue established the canon of Greek classics, and the lexicographer Aristophanes, who pioneered the science of etymology.
Described by John Curtis, keeper of special Middle East projects at London's British Museum, as "one of the most iconic objects in the museum, " it is a small, unremarkable oblong of clay almost 9 inches long and 4 inches in circumference.
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The discovery eventually came about using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a machine at CERN that sends bunches of protons round a ring 27km in circumference, in opposite directions, at close to the speed of light, so that they collide head on.