It included legal citations to back up our claim that the suspension violated the First Amendment.
It is typical activist fare, meaning among other things it assumes nobody will read the citations.
The circle on Friday also handed out special citations to the New York City Center's "Encore!"
For a while, Supreme Court justices liked to cite opinions with many citations in them.
Many courts still require lawyers to use the West volume and page numbers in their citations.
Then he assessed the quality of the research by counting the number of subsequent citations.
Writing minor citations to people in certain occupations, especially doctors, nurses, and other emergency personnel.
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The numbers refer to citations that Dr. Atwood provides for each of his points.
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The execution of contempt citations is rare, and is ultimately decided in federal court.
Hyatt challenged those citations, and OSHA dropped them after Hyatt agreed to make some concessions.
Mr. Tenet includes no citations that would let the reader check the accuracy of his account.
He enlisted Bahnsen and other generals to endorse the citations and persuaded U.S. Sen, John Cornyn, R.
Our power rankings are based on a composite of visibility (measured by press citations) and economic impact.
The school said 10 protesters arrested were given misdemeanor citations for unlawful assembly and failure to disperse.
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Special citations were also awarded to science fiction author Ray Bradbury and the late jazz musician John Coltrane.
He's administering dog counseling as part of a plea deal the Kapus have made after five barking citations.
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The two dogs have learned to pipe down long enough for the county to dismiss the four citations.
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So with that, I now ask the honorees to come up, one by one, as their citations are read.
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Mr. CUNNINGHAM: I have the citations and most of those cases are distinguishable.
They include citations for best film, best music and best director (Jacques Audiard).
Or maybe he has a friend on the force and is earmarking me as a future victim of unfair citations.
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OED, written citations tell us who used a word, not where or when (Shakespeare, the Bible, Milton and Spenser excepted).
Komatsu, of The University of Texas at Austin, et al. received a total of 564 citations during the year.
The U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia would have to present the citations to a federal judge in District Court.
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Shorn of context and often cryptically cut down, written citations like this risk giving both too much information and too little.
He could also face citations from the California Fish and Game Commission, including possession of an exotic animal without a permit.
Under William Rehnquist, the current chief justice, this trend has continued apace, reaching an average of a mere five citations by 2002.
Since 1984 he has amassed 28 patents, published 40 heavily referenced papers (50 citations or more) and won awards, including the E.
Most of the citations issued by MSHA to UBB in the last year were resolved on the same day they were issued.
The emails were addressed to the people who asked him questions or made comments on his citations, influential Rabbis, and community leaders.
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