She staged the evening of tapas in her apartment high up in a residential tower near City Hall.
Perhaps City Hall will say all its arguments for the New Bus are valid.
Belfast Zoo will be closed to the public and there will be no city hall tours.
His brother, Mike, has manned a stand near City Hall for about 30 years.
Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Councillor Freda Salway, will launch the book at City Hall.
The couple married on June 21, 2010, according to marriage records at the Cambridge City Hall.
The press was at Newton City Hall flashing photos of Claudia in her snowsuit.
Those behind the event at City Hall believe its success can be built on.
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Additionally, a concentration of power at City Hall means officials in citywide office, such as Messrs.
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Someone at City Hall called the Seaside Aquarium in Seaside, Oregon, to come and get it.
They collected it in a bucket and took it to Long Beach City Hall.
At City Hall, he occasionally wielded a baseball bat during meetings, to accentuate a point.
He was assassinated at City Hall, along with Mayor George Moscone, more than a year later.
She has testified at City Hall, an experience that served her and her business well.
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One day city hall may be as packed with screens as a Formula 1 pit.
As a US attorney he has taken on terrorists, the Mafia and Chicago's City Hall.
At City Hall, Mr. Bloomberg is in the final year of his third four-year term.
When City Hall underwent renovations, the Constitution was transferred to the Department of State.
This building and the one on the corner survived Camille and City Hall survived Camille.
Members chose the new board at a meeting in Truro City Hall on Tuesday.
No inquiry into Mr Lewis's finances was held by City Hall following the resignation.
Dozens of angry protestors descended on Inglewood City Hall calling for Mr Morse to be sacked.
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On Saturday, up to 2, 000 people at Belfast City Hall held a peaceful protest.
Nonetheless, he inched his way back until, in 1989, he finally reached City Hall.
"No one is doing anything, " he told a panel sitting at City Hall, in central London.
Callers to City Hall hear a recorded message that offices are closed for the town's evacuation.
As an expert on municipal finances, he insists that City Hall needs cleaning up.
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There is also considerable pride at TfL and City Hall that they have delivered such a bus.
These immigrants, mostly from Latin America, make up most of the block-long application queue at city hall.
The Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Eamon Gilmore, will lay a wreath at Belfast City Hall cenotaph.