Jewel Hall said her son had once trained as a civil right activist, been an avid reader and played football.
Two months ago, it looked almost certain that Californians would reject the measure, feeling that it stripped fellow citizens of an important civil right.
Asserting access to athletic programs as a civil right is a big step forward for our education system and, of course, for people with disabilities.
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Technology can play a key role in providing innovative ways to solve educational and societal issues, such as learning to read, which is, in fact, a basic civil right.
If the right to -- if the opportunity to enjoy the same rights, same-sex couples or straight couples or whatever, is a basic civil right, how can you square that with saying we leave it up to the states?
Petitioner argues that it was his civil right to reproduce, that he should have the freedom to choose the method of reproduction, and that it is sex discrimination to allow women but not men to choose how they will reproduce.
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Decisions about issues like civil unions or right-to-die legislation should be made by the states, not the federal government.
And with the rise of the far right, civil society itself is more hostile.
The civil provision creates a right to reinstatement, back pay and damages for whistle-blowers.
For some governments there is an issue just about having the capacity - the civil servants with the right skills for example - to implement complex agreements.
From April 2011, same-sex couples have the right to a civil partnership and to adopt.
Other countries, such as Colombia, do not recognise gay marriage but do offer civil guarantees, including the right to draw a pension if one partner dies.
As a cause, killing the bill unites the Christian Coalition with the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Right to Life Committee with the National Education Association.
Of the 577 members of parliament elected in 1997, 295 came from the civil service, many with the right to return to their posts should politics not work out.
But the ones like California, which have granted same-sex couples the right to enter into civil unions, adopt children, and partake in other actions normally afforded to married opposite-sex couples, should not be able to deprive same-sex couples the full fruits of the institution of marriage.
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Twenty-eight per cent support civil unions and 26% believe the right to marry should be extended to all.
Civil associations and ombudsmen should have the right to bring proceedings and appear in court in the name and interests of an indefinate number of people.
The legislation will give those who fear being married against their will the right to apply to a civil court for a Forced Marriage Protection Order (FMPO).
Jim Crow laws were state and local laws enacted mostly in U.S. Southern and border states between the 1870s and 1965 that denied African-Americans the right to vote and other civil liberties, as well as legally segregated them from whites.
The Seventh Amendment guarantees a right to jury trials in federal civil cases.
The right's planned cuts in civil-service jobs have been stopped.
The first is that Mr Kibaki wants to keep too much executive power for the presidency, including the right to appoint ministers, senior civil servants and the heads of state-owned outfits.
While urging international donors to support training programmes and capacity-building in the media field, President Karzai assured journalists and reporters that "the government and the laws of Afghanistan will protect their civil and constitutional rights, which include the right to join unions and professional organizations".
My Dad, in his Truck Stop, needed the Civil Rights Act as an excuse to do the right thing.
The conference will gather together representatives of the media, governmental bodies, academia and civil society to discuss the progress and challenges of right to information in Latin America.
But we must also remember that the mission at the heart of the Civil Rights Movement was never simply about obtaining the right to sit at a lunch counter or ride on a bus.
He has made clear that his support for the right of every American to decide who he or she loves and the right to marriage is a matter of civil marriage, and that religious institutions -- churches and -- have their own sacraments and decide what they are.
Referring to civil partnerships, he acknowledged that the state had a right to define the status of people in co-habiting relationships.