• Not that the top civilian post in the 19-member alliance is a poisoned chalice.

    ECONOMIST: George Robertson, the new man for NATO

  • Mr Price faces claims he used "undue influence" during the appointment of the daughter of Dave McLuckie, the former police authority chairman, to a civilian post with the force.

    BBC: Sean Price misconduct hearing delay bid fails

  • That means that the collateral effects radius they will use to plan an operation will likely be much larger than the 15ft lethal effects radius. (For nearly everything you could ever want to know about collateral damage estimation and mitigation, see my paper here and for more on civilian casualties, check out my prior post here).

    FORBES: Raytheon's New Collateral Damage Minimizing Munition

  • But Washington experts on post-conflict reconstruction still worry about the civilian part of the puzzle.

    BBC: Obama tries to shore up American support

  • Police officers, however, say that neither India's paramilitary Central Reserve Police Force nor the state police have had post-insurgency training in how to control civilian mobs without killing protesters and bystanders.

    ECONOMIST: A new round of anti-government unrest

  • Accordingly, the coalition officials responsible for post-conflict administration of Iraq - whether military or civilian, from the various agencies of the governments - will report to the President through General Tom Franks, the Commander of the U.S. Central Command, and the Secretary of Defense.


  • Actor Jeremy Irons read Last Post by Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy during the service to recognise military and civilian contributions to the conflict.

    BBC: Millions mark lost WWI generation

  • Muhammad became the first person ever charged and sentenced under Virginia's new post-September 11, 2001, terrorism law, outlawing attempts to intimidate the civilian population at large, or to influence the conduct or activities of the government of the United States, a state or locality through intimidation.

    CNN: Jury recommends death for Muhammad

  • Although the parties likely to assume power doubtless feel threatened by extremism, the post-electoral situation will force them to focus time and energy on more elemental things: reestablishing civilian rule after nearly a decade out of power, reversing many of Musharraf's recent actions, perhaps seeking his ouster, sorting out differences among themselves, and dealing with pent-up public frustrations about lack of services and other grievances.

    CNN: Analysis: What if Pakistan's opposition wins?

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