Goldman does not care if several staff claim responsibility for a deal, because it wants to encourage team-work.
No group has come forward to claim responsibility for the attack that has gripped the nation and the international media.
Campbell also noted that while Ansaru has been quick to claim responsibility for its previous actions, Boko Haram had been largely silent in recent months.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for any of the attacks.
So far there has been no claim of responsibility for Monday's attack.
Although even Mr Eigen cannot claim sole responsibility for these things, Transparency International has established itself as the world's main anti-corruption lobbyist.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the rocket fire.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blast.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blasts.
He must also claim at least partial responsibility for the carrier's net loss of customers in 2011, with a total of 802, 000 subscribers jumping ship in Q4 alone.
ENGADGET: T-Mobile USA's chief marketing officer, Cole Brodman, calls it quits
Mike, first, what about this claim by this group about responsibility for the attack?
Theresa Erickson, the attorney for Beasley, disputed Michelsen's claim that another couple stands ready to assume responsibility for Beasley's pregnancy and the children, saying money has proved to be a stumbling block.
And even with the long odds, the responsibility for paying the claim may be split among several insurers.
WSJ: Trying for a Perfect Bracket? Insurers Will Take Those Odds
For example, you can claim responsibility in the regions where you have facilities or offices.
That attack, by car bomb as well as gunmen, looked like the work of Pakistan-based insurgents: one such group, Jaish-e-Muhammad, took responsibility for it, but later retracted the claim.
Like the attorneys-general, these cases suffer from the weakness that the insurers can, in theory, claim money only if the tobacco firms are liable for smokers' illnesses (a responsibility that has rarely been established).
"I am very, very grateful and pleased to note that tonight, my friends, we have won enough delegates to claim with confidence, humility and a great sense of responsibility, that I will be the Republican nominee for president of the United States, " McCain told supporters Tuesday night.
They never want to accept responsibility for kids who drop out of school but they're the first in line to claim credit for the kids who wind up in the Ivy League.
Although the last part might be too much to swallow for critics who claim that a company that sells fast food and offers plastic toys cannot spout responsibility, Bannan offered some interesting context.