• In 2008 farmers staged pot-clanking demonstrations after she tried to raise taxes on soyabean exports.

    ECONOMIST: Argentina: The president and the potbangers | The

  • The absence of shrieks and clanking sound effects helps imprint the image of that face onto our souls.

    NEWYORKER: The Artists

  • As disparate pieces of the tale come together, you can almost hear the clanking of insufficiently oiled machinery.

    WSJ: Will Power

  • My partner, Tye, is clanking away in the darkness, unseen at the far end of the rope I'm holding.

    WSJ: El Capitan's Nose in a Day | By Michael J. Ybarra

  • From up on the footplate of his clanking, hissing beast of a Black Five locomotive, he waves us aboard.

    BBC: Full steam ahead

  • But if the world's guarantor of democracy fails to deal with the clanking from its electoral machine, those knowing smiles will disappear.

    ECONOMIST: The making of a president

  • It's an ersatz epic about men in fights grim fights, grinding battles, clanking combats that are repetitive and, in a movie that runs 140 minutes, all but endless.

    WSJ: Joe Morgenstern Reviews Robin Hood, Letters to Juliet

  • With the giant metal presses hissing and clanking inside the hangar-like building, and overall-wearing workers resembling something out of a communist propaganda poster, there is little sign of any of that heritage.

    BBC: The scissor-maker that has cut through Chinese history

  • You hear the creak of caskets opening, the tap of tiny feet as cherubs dance excitedly, and the clanking of cast-iron doors as angels go about their business on narrow lanes lined with weeping widows.

    BBC: The Recoleta Cemetery: Silent theatre and city of the dead

  • And when the author of "A Christmas Carol" was writing, the great clanking machinery of a Ramadan-length Christmas had not got into gear, and English people reserved Dec. 26 ("Boxing Day") for the exchange of tokens.

    WSJ: Christopher Hitchens on Forced Merriment, the True Spirit of Christmas

  • The Rishon player, now preparing to enter military service, enjoyed a recent face-off in Metula, clanking on pads and skates in a locker room buzzing with Hebrew, Russian, Ukrainian and other languages from the former Soviet Union.

    WSJ: Hockey Heats Up in Tiny Village With Israel's Only Big Rink

  • But this trend also speaks to the fact that English football's assembly line has come to a clanking halt, raising questions about whether the Premier League's approach to developing young players is killing off the classic goal poacher.

    WSJ: Scoring Skills are Heading South

  • The automation breaks down with a loud clanking sound at this point, however, since the results then have to be zapped and served by a member of the species that Japanese robots have bred to do menial tasks a human.

    ENGADGET: The auto-restaurant

  • Harvey didn't allow a hit until Morneau sent a slider clanking high off the pole with two outs in the seventh inning, and the young pitched led the New York Mets over the Minnesota Twins 4-2 Saturday on another chilly day at Target Field.

    NPR: Harvey No-Hits Twins Into 7th As Mets Win 4-2

  • The sleek little start-up, a prototype of the type of company that is supposed to catapult Hong Kong into the information economy, has little in common with its creaking, clanking neighbor save one thing: here too, the air is filled with the smell of money going up in smoke.


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