The workshops are run in schools with a police officer, the class teacher and two members of Samm and are subsequently followed up with further work.
These Victorian legacies include: reliance on the generalist class teacher rather than specialist subject teachers, lower per pupil funding than in secondary schools, lower status for primary school teachers, a formal education starting age of five, and long summer holidays which are left over from the days when children were needed to bring in the harvest.
Then, during my 6th period art class, my teacher told me to go to the office.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks of Dr. Jill Biden at the OJJDP National Conference
She was frustrated during a recent class when the teacher went over how many times three goes into six.
There were fears that this would result in bigger class sizes, teacher redundancies and difficulties in funding school projects.
Students in teacher Miguel Aguilar's fifth-grade class consistently make gains on standardized tests while next door, fifth graders who pass through teacher John Smith's class each year fall behind.
Walter Milancuk's public-school horror story began early, when his son Derrick spent kindergarten in an overcrowded roomful of students who regularly fought in class and cursed the teacher.
During the next class, the homeroom teacher called the Korean student who had touched the trumpet without permission to come to the blackboard and meted out the punishment of holding two water-filled buckets with outstretched arms.
NPR: 'A Tale of Music': From 'Literature from the Axis of Evil'
Now, the teacher of this class instructed the students to ask me any question they wanted.
She then sees an overworked nursery teacher with a class of 30 with 15 languages.
Even so, I got a book flung at me for talking in class by our inspirational English teacher, an ex-army man.
This sport was developed in 1891 to provide indoor physical activity for the boys in a teacher's gym class.
Which is why Katherine Ye Zi, an English-language teacher, selected the class of Internet trailblazers from the different ethnic groups.
Rebecca Maughan, the real history teacher, offered an encouraging first-night review, saying that the stand-up stand-in teacher had kept the class engaged and interested.
When that happens, we believe that districts will be on the cusp of providing every student with an effective teacher, in every class, every year.
In addition, the study further revealed that the quality of education in Arua district, as in other rural districts, is adversely affected by a severe lack of resources and professional teachers, as well as high student-to-teacher ratios and large class sizes.
UNESCO: Integrated Intergenerational Literacy Project (IILP)
Mayor Michael Bloomberg and schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott have said the resulting funding loss would mean the elimination of 700 guidance counselor and teacher positions, bigger class sizes and cuts in pre-kindergarten special education, after-school and anti-bullying programs, according to court documents.
There is a little evidence that this could improve pupils' progress, but what may happen, given the current problems in recruiting teachers, is that a large class with an experienced and capable teacher is split into two, with half of the pupils being taken by a less experienced and perhaps less capable teacher.
At NYC Gifted, the 90-minute class consists of 10 students and one teacher.
WSJ: Conflicted Over Gifted: NYC's Gifted and Talented Test Changes
Romney must convince us that he is the wise, strong teacher who can manage a class-full of brats, bullies and clowns with a firm look and quiet word.
FORBES: Is Mitt Romney Serious? The Presidential Hopeful Must Improve His Demeanor
Both he and the legislature have poured millions of dollars into buying more textbooks, improving teacher-training and cutting class sizes, in the early grades, from 30 or more to no more than 20.
"You know five, six years ago, with cell phones, we were simply worried about conversations going on when kids should be listening in class, phones ringing and disturbing the teacher while they were trying to teach, but we weren't worried about pictures, we weren't worried about text messages, " he says.
After an aerobics class at the Swarthmore Community Center, retired teacher Susan Larson told us she demonstrates against the war.
Suffolk Police said they were initially contacted by a member of staff who had been told by students that a teacher had brought a gun into class.
Both the teacher and the students in the class we filmed at Long Road Sixth Form College felt too much time was being wasted earlier in the education system.
The magazine was founded by Frederick Morgan and Joseph Bennett, two young men from Princeton University's class of 1943 who were encouraged by their teacher, poet Allen Tate, to establish a magazine.
He was a guest instructor to my sniper class, a good man, and a great teacher.
If anything, parents and administrators clamor for reduced productivity per teacher, in the form of smaller class sizes.
Teacher effects are also much stronger than class-size effects.
Long-time music teacher Holly Benson(ph) rescued her class notes from her flooded house.