Also, Journal Register's classified ads are less likely to migrate online than big-city classifieds.
Users can upload their own information, including recipes, address books and classified ads.
The risk down the line is that Google could decide to cut out the middleman and solicit its own classified ads.
For example, Homescape, which hosts classified ads for a consortium of newspaper companies, has a find-a-Realtor button that sends information to Reply.
But a stroke of luck led the classified ads person at the Lancashire Evening Telegraph to smell a potential story and refer him to the features desk.
He can read books and watch television, but newspapers and magazines are censored to keep him from receiving messages planted in classified ads or letters to the editor.
Research firm Jupiter Communications reports that 55% of Internet users say they mail e-greetings regularly, handily beating those who say they chat on-line (45%) or read classified ads (46%).
It is the Goliath of the Web, with search, e-mail, e-commerce, instant messaging, classified ads, and even its own virtual planet with Google Earth -- all adding up to one mega-market cap.
Take Excite for example: In April 1998, Excite acquired Throw (Click here to read why Excite acquired Throw) for 330, 000 shares, and Classifieds2000, a provider of online classified ads, in exchange for 1.73 million shares.
You will see hundreds of these icons offering RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, which is a way to get information sent to you, such as articles, classified ads (say from, hotel schedules or even audio files (or podcasts).
Lonely-hearts ads in the newspapers are classified by caste and sub-caste.
ECONOMIST: The perilous arithmetic of positive discrimination