The senior officer in charge of the inquiry awarded the investigation a clean bill of health.
But that does not mean he has given the new system a clean bill of health.
Indeed, the latest investigation into Tyco's accounting practices gives it a surprisingly clean bill of health.
According to Banca di Roma, however, the examiners gave it a clean bill of health.
However, Burley, given a clean bill of health, is unlikely to tinker for such an important tie.
And even with that review in January, Peregrine Financial Group was given a clean bill of health.
So, for the 15th year running the Court was unable to give a clean bill of health.
The company added that an inspection undertaken by an external verifier gave JML "a clean bill of health".
The hospital got a clean bill of health in December after being condemned for its patient nutrition standards.
Despite the bank's flawed business model which led to its failure, it received a clean bill of health from KPMG.
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Romania, Latvia and Belgium also have abnormally distributed data, while Portugal, Italy and Spain have a clean bill of health.
In 2010, both Irish banks tested, Bank of Ireland and Allied Irish Bank, were given a clean bill of health.
Its stress tests gave a clean bill of health to banks that were later poleaxed in Belgium, Spain and Cyprus.
The doctor has given me a clean bill of health, and I will continue to be playing basketball whenever I get a chance.
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While England come into this series with a clean bill of health, Australia's concerns about vice-captain Michael Clarke have failed to dissipate.
In July, after Bush picked Cheney as his running mate, two of his doctors issued letters giving him a clean bill of health.
There is inevitably a trade-off between a test's sensitivity (its ability to spot illness) and specificity (its ability to give a clean bill of health).
PricewaterhouseCoopers gave it a clean bill of health after the changes.
Cattle are to be returned to a Birmingham park associated with a string of E. coli cases after they were given a clean bill of health.
Kerry underwent surgery for a cancerous prostate in February, but he returned to the campaign trail within weeks with a clean bill of health from his doctors.
Nita was to learn that the recent checkup, the clean bill of health, cropped up in a surprising number of the sudden-death stories that she was now presented with.
An eventual MRI at New York Presbyterian Hospital was ordered on his right hip and he received a clean bill of health as he continued to play in the postseason.
Huxley had been battling emphysema after years of heavy smoking, but Clark said he had recently been given a clean bill of health and his death had come as a shock.
DUBLIN, Ireland -- Former England manager Bobby Robson has been given a clean bill of health and is determined to see out his two-year deal to assist the Republic of Ireland.
His doctors have given him a clean bill of health after a debilitating bout with lymphatic cancer -- though he still wears a cap to cover the baldness caused by chemotherapy treatment.
Despite the number of injuries that have beset his fellow bowlers, Broad is confident that England will have a clean bill of health when they play their World Cup opener against Holland on 22 February in Nagpur.
"We have taken the CQC's feedback very seriously and are continuing to work extremely hard to ensure that we make the required improvements that will give these services a clean bill of health from the CQC, " he said.
As he returned from Baghdad this week, Mr Butler said that he was close to giving Iraq a clean bill of health on missiles and chemical weapons, but was still far from that point in the biological field.
Our correspondent says there will be serious question about how a major tunnel on one of Japan's most important traffic arteries could have failed so catastrophically, with the private company that runs the highway saying the tunnel had undergone a major inspection just two months ago and had been given a clean bill of health.