It was a two-person job until the second cleaning woman left four months ago.
She worked as a cleaning woman, but says she and her husband would frequent nightclubs on nights and weekends.
What should a cleaning woman do if she is asked to skimp on disinfecting rooms because sick patients are waiting in the halls?
Kantor points out that when Michelle was an undergraduate at Princeton one of her aunts worked in town as a cleaning woman a circumstance that she did not widely share with her classmates from Andover, Exeter, and Harvard-Westlake.
Over the next couple of decades, she developed a modest following with a series of mysteries about a librarian who investigates murders on the side, and another series about a crime-fighting cleaning woman and karate expert named Lily Bard.
An old woman was cleaning cobwebs and birds' nests out of the high-up stained-glass nooks with a 5-meter-long branch of bamboo.
"The lion had been fed, the young woman was cleaning the large enclosure, and the lion was in the small cage, " Mr Hadden explained, adding the cage door was partially open, allowing the lion to lift it up with his paw.
Maybe the loveliest image from this period is "East End Morning" (1937) a young woman on her knees with a scrub bucket cleaning a doorsill.
"Everything suggests it was a pure accident where several temporary and unfortunate circumstances caused the woman to set the train in motion when she was cleaning, " Paer Andersson said in a statement, according to AFP news agency.
"Sexual gratification, cleaning, feeding and other services can be purchased, but not children: Both the man and the woman are required to produce their own children and perhaps to raise them, " he wrote.
DUNLAP, Calif. (AP) A lion that killed a woman at a privately owned Central California zoo escaped from a feeding cage and attacked while she was cleaning his enclosure, authorities said Thursday.