"At a time like this, when people are grieving, I think it's hard to keep a clear mind on anything, " Steenkamp said.
"A break from professional cricket will hopefully give me a clear mind, " said Tait in a statement issued by governing body Cricket Australia.
Mind you, the transition won't be instantaneous as anyone with an N900 (and a clear mind) can attest -- the OS, services, and apps just can't compare to the mature S60 platform regardless of Maemo 5's superior user experience.
ENGADGET: Nokia abandoning S60 for Maemo on future N-Series devices?
For race morning, Edwards went for a hike to clear his mind and focused.
The goal is to learn to clear the mind by consciously focusing on every body movement during a serene walk along the Andaman Sea.
For me, exercising is a form of meditation because it regulates and deepens my breathing, and concentrating on moves or repetition helps me clear my mind.
"It's a good way to just to kind of clear your mind and just get ready to go out there and play a ballgame, " Griffin said.
And we look for that fine day when we will see him again, all weariness gone, clear of mind, strong and sure and smiling again, and the sorrow of this parting gone forever.
The idea is that if you can get in the habit of writing three pages a day, that it will help clear your mind and get the ideas flowing for the rest of the day.
He also is willing to take calculated risks with a clear plan in mind.
You've got to make sure you're as clear in your mind as you can when you go out there.
Is he clear in his mind about what he wants with respect to that aspect of his health care plan?
Everyone knows their roles and we have a clear goal in mind.
Once he has the various job-descriptions clear in his mind, he will start haggling with national governments over the candidates to fit them.
Focusing your emotions will help you clear out your mind from all the distractions the day normally brings, and will make you more charismatic.
In the beginning I thought a two year tenancy was way to long a time but now am thinking clear and my mind is adjusting to a new way of life, I can see now why two years isn't such a long time after all.
The following 10 actions are designed to clear out the dead weight in your portfolio, your office and your mind to clear the way for better returns.
That she didn't have a clear image in her mind what to do next.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
The argument for painful sacrifices in 2007 is much less clear in the public mind.
The trick, said Yanna Muru, is to clear and calm your mind to build a bridge into the spirit world.
He's very clear in his own mind about what he wants to do and the way he intends to do it.
She had no idea what was happening, but her mind was clear and she could talk clearly, unheard of during typical seizures.
Chopra explains that being in touch with the this kind of consciousness is what sports players, ballet dancers, and musicians experience when they enter a moment of utter connectedness with their art: the mind is clear, the world appears in slow motion, and all internal dialogue fades away.
FORBES: Deepak Chopra on the Science - and Soul - of Business
But this determined, clear-eyed man is also pragmatic, and no slouch at politics, as his victory in Texas (never mind the presidential contest) made clear.
You never want to go into a media interview, whether in person or over the phone, without a clear-cut media message in mind.
FORBES: Creating And Conveying Your Media Message -Media Training
These productive individuals manage to keep their unseen, mind office clean and clear and agile, but the physical office is always disorganized in appearance.
As details of the transaction emerged, it became clear why Mr Prosser had changed his mind.
It is clear how, in Mr McCain's mind, the religious right is one such group.