• He should make it clear that the clubby atmosphere in Washington of hire-who-you-know has gone out the window, and that window has been opened up for the next generation of talented individuals.

    CNN: Commentary: Obama's press office needs diversity

  • These paintings were a source for Piero della Francesca's cycle on the same subject, painted in Arezzo in the middle of the following century, though Gaddi, with happy disregard for realism in scale, hardly anticipates the rigorous perspective and complex geometry of Piero's work, not to mention its cold, clear atmosphere or the figures' graceful stillness.

    WSJ: A Heavenly View From On High | Basilica of Santa Croce | Agnolo Gaddi | By Francis X. Rocca

  • The sub-millimeter radiation that the telescope will collect is usually absorbed by water, but the lack of moisture in the atmosphere will enable scientists to enjoy a clear view of the sky.

    CNN: Telescope set to reveal 'Big Bang'

  • The image transmission wasn't perfect and suffered defects because the Earth's atmosphere caused errors, even when the sky was clear, NASA said.


  • The lodge creates a peaceful and fantasy-like atmosphere and the empty desert makes for an unusually clear sky and a quiet, dreamy experience.

    FORBES: Connect

  • The images from the Hubble, which has a clear view of the cosmos from its orbit above the Earth's turbulent atmosphere, will enable astronomers to gain a better understanding of black holes and the effect they have on material captured in their gravitational trap.

    BBC: Hubble spies black hole gobbling galaxy

  • It was pushed to this height recently to take it clear of residual air molecules at the top of the atmosphere that tend to drag it downwards over time.

    BBC: International Space Station in debris scare

  • Between entering the top of the atmosphere and touching down, the lander had seven minutes to reach Gale Crater, find clear ground, and deposit the one-ton rover, with only an onboard computer to guide it.

    NEWYORKER: The Martian Chroniclers

  • Though the science is evolving, it is clear that agribusinesses, forestry firms and others who can keep greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere could profit handsomely from the Kyoto deal.

    ECONOMIST: Emissions

  • "It has become very clear to us after speaking with our customers that the event could not be held because the atmosphere of this year's show would not be conducive to an event that is designed to provide family enjoyment, " said Chet Burchett, the company's president for the Americas.

    CNN: 'Enough is enough,' Feinstein says in proposing new gun ban

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