With the fans counting down the days to the African Cup of Nations kick off on 20 January 2008, football fever is clearly in the air.
In the 95th minute, with Brentford laying siege to the opposing goal, Jamie McCombe, Doncaster's 6-foot-5 centerback threw his lanky frame in the air, his flailing arm clearly deflecting the ball.
You can clearly understand the sadness in the dressing room air.
The new command centre, in a secret location, will clearly be highly vulnerable to air attack by the regime - something that could increase pressure for some kind of international air cover for the "liberated areas", our correspondent says.
And, sure enough, something was glittering, up there in the sky, something was shimmering, in the blue air of summer we saw it clearly, whatever it was.
But clearly some guys have played their way in during the recent Air New Zealand Cup (the old National Provincial Championship) and there are seven uncapped players in the party.
"This summer has clearly demonstrated when there is a sniff of something in the air it devalues the whole game, and nobody wants to play cricket in those circumstances, " said Strauss.
But clearly, the question mark associated with past unkept promises hung in the air over that firmly delivered assertion.
But television replays clearly showed that O'Young's legs had been in the air at the all-important moment when he released the ball.
Gordon Adair, reporting from the scene for the BBC, said fish could clearly be seen struggling for air in distress.
The missile campaigns the Palestinians and Lebanese have waged against the home front in the aftermath of Israel's withdrawals from Gaza and south Lebanon show clearly that air supremacy does not make up for geographic vulnerability.
"Clearly, Darren Fletcher's won the ball, Ashley Cole's never touched and has jumped up in the air, and then (Didier) Drogba's pulled Brown to the ground for the goal, " Ferguson told reporters.
Given a choice, a lot of senior people in the Pentagon would clearly prefer to spend that sort of money on sharpening up America's army, navy and air force.